
霹靂MIT (thunderbolt)

LOL mei lan says that the show 霹靂MIT is nice
and resembles bump off lover.
so im going to watch it when i got the time (:
oh my lar today has been a not very ok day :/
urm NVM (x
i gota thank new friend
LOL ur sms cheered me up.(:
ya i was TRAUMATISED. quite severly.
and my friends of course.thanks
for erm helping me when i felt so helpless at that time. HAHA
u should know wad im talking bout.
there are many of them and i couldnt name all of them
cos at that time and at that state my mind was blank
my eyes was tearing and everything was blur and im sort of half conscious because im confused
many stuffs appeared on my mind and everything happened so suddenly
i wasnt pissed, i wasnt angry, i just felt confused.
cause i didnt know wad to do and voices surrounded me.
i remembered being shoved by my friends to the canteen or the general office idk
then everything was fine. but i wasnt back to normal
still shuddering in fear :X. erm so ya i couldnt finish my lunch
WASTED my precious bowl of wanton noodle. :'(
but with xq ml wk and ed companion was great (:
there was teasing but luckily i had them wif me. :D
then guitar was long. but i love the song HAHAs.
i had to pay 5bucks wor for using school guitar =.=
nvm money cme and go (:
i learnt my lesson.and thanks for the sms boy i was not sad or angry after that (:
came home onlined.
and decided im going to make things clear.
no more misunderstandings.
o and thks weekiong wor haha the conversation was nice.
LOL he is a BHB guy =.=
but hes an asshole
haha for not telling me anything.
LOL so today may not be a very bad day.
cause my morning was great (:
hahas LOLXD.
it salvage my entire day OK (:
becos i will do it again nxt time HAHAS :)
sounds wrong. ok
bye (:
aww so wordy o.o
boy!im not tearing now(:

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