
QUIZ time (:

The person who tagged you to do this quiz is?
- Relationship with her?
♥ junior and DA SAO LOL JK
- 5 impression of her?
♥ helpful, cheery, Nice,Friendly,Crazy,lovely
- Most memorable thing she has ever done for you?
♥ erm i enjoyed the times during guitar orientation (:
- Most memorable thing she has ever said to you?
♥ erm let me think. (:
- If he became your lover, will you?
♥cannot,hahas AWWW shes taken ;D
- If he really became your lover what must she improve one?
♥ none (;
- If she became your enemy, you will...
dunno wad to do HAHAS. :D
- Overall impression?
♥ good hahas very guai :D
- How do you think the people around you thinks about you?
♥ hmmm ask them if u want LOLXD
- The characteristic in you that you like?
♥ HAHA i dun tink i have any lol :'(
- The Characteristic in you that you hate?
♥ PROCRASTINATE,petty,abusive =.=,not decisive enough har (:
- Most ideal person you want to be?
♥ Er.myself lar (:
- For people who love and care for you, say something to them.
- Pass this quiz to 10 other people.
♥ 1 xue qi
♥ 2 mei lan
♥ 3 jun qiang
♥ 4 wee kiong
♥ 5 edmond
♥ 6 kor
♥ 7 joshua
♥ 8 elaine
♥ 9 huan xian
♥ 10 mei ting
- Who is 6 having relationship with?[kor]
ask him urself :X hahas
- If 7 and 10 get together, will it be a good thing? [joshua and mei ting]
wa jie di lian LOLXD
- What is 2 studying? [mei lan]
shes a genius no need to study! hahas
- what kind of band does 8 likes? [elaine]
♥ O that is easy DBSk and many more (: hahas
- Does 1 have any siblings? [xue qi]
♥ a cute lil bro (: hahahs
Will you woo 3? [jun qiang]
♥ wa u want hx to beat me wor hahas.
- How about 7 ? [joshua]
♥ LOL u say leh.
- Is 4 single? [wee kiong]
♥ this is a dumb quest hahas hes taken. (:
Whats 5's surname? [edmond]
♥ Ng :D
Whats 10's hobby? [mei ting]
♥ hmm listen songs, study, computer haha
Does 5 and 9 get along well? [edmond and huan xian]
♥ not bad not bad
- Where is 2 studying at? [mei lan]
♥ o i say she dun need to study o.o no lar same as me DMN X)
- Say smth about 1. [xue qi]
♥ She's the other part of me (: HAHAS
- Where does 9 lives? [huan xian]
♥ tampines (: LOL i dont recognise blocks bt i hve been to her HOUSE hahas :D
- What colour does 4 likes? [wee kiong]
♥ LOL i dunno should be black or white HAHAS.
- Are 5 and 1 good friends? [edmond, xue qi]
♥ duh.
- What is 6 doing now? [kor]
♥ hmmm using the com and .... hahas LOLXD
im missing darling :(

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