

hahas LOL xD.
super tired todayys.
out for the entire afternoon (:
caught a great movie :] -madagascar 2
seriously, i came home drained (energy) HAHAS
and so i slept hahas (:
i will type more in another blog hahas :]

ok i will chiong :D.
and yeap unfair my sis actually CAUGHT love or bread 2episodes.
whoosh hs is lagging behind grr. >:{
and thx bryan LOL.
he actually reminded me that there is such thing as a facebook.
hahas i totally clean forgotten bout it. :D
and YA glad that xq is ENJOYING BREAKING DAWN.
seriously it rocks a million right (:
and audi i pass my license yoyoyoyo LEVEL UP (:

okay i cannot turn in too late because there is a guitar meeting tml ! (X
byeeee. (:
today's probably the best day of my life (: i love him. :]

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