
David Archuleta [;

haha on the process of finding a new skin (: LOL
[trying something stupid]
bt wad i like most bout this skin is the cute font -.- hahas.
went audi with chris LOLXD shiok ar hahas
LOL handling 2blogs is not easy hahas :D
but i can type type type LOLXD love it :]

Okayy. woke up at 9+ (:
sun was scorching and it force me to step out of my bed TSK hahas.
As the sunlight was a great help as it pushed my ass off the bed HAHAs
then got ready and set off to N2 to meet xq hahas.
we were clueless
and miraculously we reached UNCLE LIM's house hahas.
lijin was really funny.
she carried f cup cookies -.- with her hahas ;D
of course she is not the one eating it (:
uncle lim house has many guitar i tink hahas
and one very very exp ONE LOLXDD
learn 3 chord. hand pain argh hahas.
LOL bused to tm and ate wif lijin ljs.
talked and bitch a lot -.- hahas LOLXDD
yeah fun fun den went home.
SHIT lor coughing like mad HAHAS [: ass
okaes thats all.
my heart dropped when he didnt wanna go out. nvm.saving $ for com more impt (:
i will be understanding (:

darling's game more impt den me hahahs jk

PROMISED :] chalet pictures
i hate myself

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