
i love you darling (:

coming back later (:
sis steal for audi :'(
(: in the pass hour

  • i had been reading ss.
  • seeing hp pictures (:
  • calling uncle lim to discuss bout learning guitar (:
  • and then calling ml and xq to discuss guitar lessons (:YAYAs.
  • den the trip on wed to ehub is settled (: i found the showtimes already :D
tada (: choose one ^^
19 Nov 2008, Wed
11:30 12:00 13:20 13:50 [others
too late]

TODAY is a damn suay day
hahas i must remember to bring coins when i go out :D
cos i was penniless today.
and i was stuck at N2
[: i bet it is about 2.4km. LOLXD
healthy ma. and boy acc me somehow. HAHAs. (:
LOL so diulian lor. i boarded the bus and alighted :(
den my heart was THUMP THUMP THUMP.
DUNNO wad to do sia.
stone at bustop.
HAHA so dumb (:
had a great lunch and late lunch today (:

gulping down a bowl of maggie +watching my channel U show (: NOW
boy,its so difficult to breathe and concentrate around u
ps for nt putting it here :(

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