
20th century boys

its holiday (; cause its school promotion day.
currently drumming myself wif a fantastic piece of instumental song :D
its the best i have ever heard. (:
title: the truth that you leave. aww pretty song and i RE-played more the thrice on imeem :D.

o yes yest we went to catch another wanna watch movie (:
20th century boys lalas.
my mum warned me not to throw $ away like that -_-
but theres still a show i have yet watch.
HSM3 (:
and LOL i dont really agree that 20century boys have surpasses deathnote
hahas but its still a great show (:
i love kenji <3

(i wrote manythings but blogger deleted it :( nvm it is just some insignificant stuffs)

rachel: YEAH u took triple science right hahas >. <
weiqing :LOL it is not random. love talking to u too (: MUAKIES a million (: hahas.yeah zero is so HOT >;) did u and sheri catch HYDF? hahahas (: i wanna tag at ur tagbard :'( hahas.

weekiong: o understandhahas. u mean wor. but then now is like a FAIRYTALE story. wif u as the ahem prince. ml-> cute monster :)))) edmond->maths god LOLXD we damn diao SIA.

ml: HAHA he get top in AMATHS and EMATHS then wad u get sia. nonono wrong. HAHA (: STEAL it from HIM! >.<

LOL QUIZ timeeeeee ...
(random order )
1.xue qi
2.mei lan
3. junqiang
11.huan xian
12.poh zhuang

- How did you know 14? -joyclyn
hahas we are from the SAME secondary school in the same class from SEC1 (:

-What would you do if you never meet 1? -xueqi
hahas i would never know whats the feeling of having someone who knows you well enough.
we have telepathy LOLXD.

- What if 9 and 20 date each other? [changshi, siyuh]
eh no hahas they dunno each other i tink hahas :D

- Will 6 and 17 date? [kor,newfriend]
sorry but they are guys not gays. (:

- Describe 3. [junqiang]
Oo hahas he is a GENIUS and cute like boy and hes a great friend of mine (:LOL but please dont cut your hair =.=

- Is 8 attractive? [weiqing]
yesh OF course (: she is so lovable :D.i am attracted to her >.< - Descirbe 7. [joshua didi]
HAHA he is the best didi u ever find. hes cute (: and yeah a supportive friend. LOLXD love talking on phone wif him (:

- Do you know any of 12's family members?
[poh zhuang] hahas im nt very sure but i know she got many older siblings :)))

- What if 18 confess to you? [germaine]
hahas i will say I DO (: LOL i accept LOLXD

- What language does 15 speaks? [peishan]
o she ar hahas all kinds of language that i dun understand HAHAAS. she's a weird gurl but pretty one hahas .

- Who's going out with 9? [chang shi]
dunno.cannot tell?maybe none ?hahas

- How old is 16? [bing khiang]
as old as BURGER KING (: no lar a yr older then me (: 15 LOLXD

- When did you last speak to 13? [mei ting]
yesterday in school (:

- Who's 2 fav singer? [meilan]
JANE right? hahas. and she loves SHOw (;

- Would you ever date 4? [wee kiong]
erm haha let me consider. but hes attached so cannot! HAHAS

- Would you ever date 1? [xue qi]
yesh if she was a guy (:

- Is 19 single? [joanne]
o dunno. haha ask her urself (:

- What's 10 last name? [elaine]
LIM . haha lims are all geniuses unfair hahas :D

- School of 3? [jun qiang]
same of me lar.

- Where does 6 lives? [kor]
haha 5mins walk from N2.i tink so.

- What is your fav thing of 5? [edmond]
eh no way im going to say his singins? hahas he is just great (:

- Have you ever seen 11 naked? [huan xian]
OH hell no.junqiang will whack my ass upside down HAHAS (:

and i shall pick:
ANYONE (: who wanna do the quiz (:
thanks hahs :D

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