

LOL no matter how depressed i am now hahas.i still must say EOY is over.(: !

yeap and firstly thanks kor hahas.but ur comforting skills suck hhahas. LOLXD.and i remember i still owe joshua something! yea get it for u ASAP (:

today we went to catch a movie after the exams LOLXD.it is none other but CONNECTED (:. at first i thought it was just a show bout a phone call. i did not catch the english version but the chinese version is great(: it was way better then i had expected hahas (: the plot is a simple and like any kidnapped story but i had enjoyed the thrill throughout the show LOLXD.

the cast are also MY FAVOURITE:barbie,louis,nick etc..hehes.it was so exciting and we were screaming throughout the show hahas (; DIULIAN lor.

lol anw WK stop fighting from me lar i let u win u dun wan LOLXD.so dun steal from me hor. LOL xD.

oh yar on9-ing tml for CHIONGING SHOWS (: hahas.eh btw hmm anyone who wanna watch the above movies:1.20th century boys 2.武俠梁祝butterfly lovers 3.HSM 3(maybe) hahas (:

hahas im going to catch that too (: LOLXD. yeah ml and xq will pei me hor?! hahas LOLXD thats all byebye!>.<>LIN FENG on channel U(: LOLXD

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