

HELLOS people :D
back from jocelyn house :D
had a great time :D
LOL i blog about it already but saved as draft :D
i will only show when i want HAhAs :D
so in the mean time tolerate (:

wa it is only 7pm and it look like 9 or 10pm
haha i bet swimming is DEFINETELY cancelled (:
eh no im not happy, my chances of losing fat is definitely reduced OMG :'(
i had a great great afternoon. (:
but thinking of tommorrow
totally sucks. LESSSONS.
o wth who is in the mood of studying. i know JQ definitely HAHAs
im just kiddin.
and then followed by guitar pract =_=
tired wor (: JIAYOUS >.<

out for dinner later wif family.
i have been eating a lot today.
HAHAH it is a good sign means that my appetite is BACK YEAH (:
and and and i wanna watch HSM3 hahas :)
LOLXD okay bye
mb i shall read some bio b4 i sleep at night hahas XD.
i love him (:

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