
EOY results :/

my results are LAN disastrous.
yeap im only reporting them once i get everything back (:
hahas today in school
my friends damn pro lor.
xq also
wk dun act EMO
jq wa this onee wana slap him hahas(JK!)
ed tsk nothing to say. act shuai ya hahas >.<

they are able to talk bout results and making me feel so stress up till i
tio SPILTTING headache HAHAHA :)
lol it is not their fault hahas XD.
i gotta thank MR PANADOL --> from XUE QI! (:
lol it was bitter bt i bite my way down hahas ;D.
my body felt eh soft afterwards yeah SO MUCH better

lol chang say ur results lar aiyo. so pro still wanna keep to urself haha :D.
i was playing wif kor groword LOLXD my eng really SUCK man HAHAHA :B.
aiyO bt too bad tt game doesnt help to improve in my english.AWW!
lol talked to a new friend on msn HI* LOL =.= hahas

hais hais sstill got 2 days of nightmare to go :D.
bye. :) wheeeeee >:D

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