
SWENSEN's supper <3

i went swensen's for supper at 10pm yest night YAY.
it is a mini-gathering with cousins since school is resuming tml.
hais dont know whether to be sad or happy :) hahas.
more of happy bas. hehe.^^
darn the timetable change AGAIN. waste my printer ink :( hmph.
yest was very nice.
when we went there, vien was narrating the entire 12 13 14 episode of fated to love you.
and i was attentively listening to her story.hahas i am going to catch that TW drama for sure.the ratings are like higher then my prince frog LEH! hmph hahas. :0
bt then bo bian lar.
then i was an idiot.i wore my class tee there was laughed by gerald lee!wlao. ;(
then yang yang wanna see the back of my shirt bt then too bad =P hahas.
lolX.we order chicken in a jacket,earthquake and banana split and fries hehe.
LOL XD so nice and the price also although i dunno how much lar.
picstime hahas LOL.
vien helped mi collage it :).super nice hahas
oh ya must help xq bring amath tml :)

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