
RUNAWAY bride. :)

(joshua did this)
hahas long time no see! LOL XD
i miss my BLOG like %$#@ but im so sorry
because i would nt be blogging about sec3 camp todayy.
i gort many things to do.hahas like mopping the floor LOL XD.
and ya omg.i search for a blogskin for an entire afternoon.
and hais wasted a lot of time.aiy0.
yest i slept from 11.30 ->2.30pm OMG
so firstly i have to apologise to xue qi she called mi twice.
and kor for late reply of sms . PAI SEH .
and hmm i cannot slack any more.
school holidays are over gurl start mugging soon LOL. hahas.kiasu .
i got to thank joshua for the graffiti hahas (see if i can post the pic)
okies i really got to go. ;(
blog bout camp another day HAHAS :)
OK byebye i enjoyed the camp hahas.
and in the end we did not went BOWLING :( urgh nvm
and go see time table!!!!!!!! change lia00 DIAO

he is so CUTE!(mummy's friend son) he's javier ^^

opps there is my SISSY :X

SO SMALL ;D (i took a pic of him when i was gg to fetch my sis)

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