
SEC 3 camp is just TOMMORROW OMG! hahas XD

lol i am blogging again hahas ;)
today there is guitar prac from 1 to 5pm.
hmm actually i wanted to change blogskin yesterday but then the skin keep on giving me problems + i am super pissed off hahas so change again when there is time ba. hehes.
okay i got to make this really fast cos joshua going to read it by9 and i got things to send to kor.lol
so i shall speed up my typing speed if possible LOL XD
hmm and ya
before i start posting hahas yesterday morning i was chatting with xq like from
10.30 pm to 2 am hahas
LOL XD my ear was stinging and moist hahas.
i was the only one awake lor everyone was in wonderland hahas XD
it was super nice and i told her next time it will be from 10.30 pm to 10.30 aM hahas .
lol bt tonight cannot lar cos tml got camp. HMPH and gotta report by 7.00am.
omg =( i 100% cannot wake up hais.hope the camp turn out well.
i am nt really afraid of any games or wad hahas.
as long as the food is ok to eat the floor is ok to sleep and the water is ok to drink and the toilet is not UN-usable and i dun see anything that will be fine ;)
hahas .LOL XD

okkies today guitar was quite difficult for me .
we gotta teach the sec 1, actually they were already pretty fast + the dumb ass tempo is simply impossible to catch.uncle lim sh0uld try lar because really difficult to play together + no tempo + no melody and we are destroying the nice piece largh.LOL XD
wad did i want to blog ar i forgot liao SHIT.

oh ya and mei lan is asking if we wanna go out nxt friday :)
because holidays are ending liao leh no more play time hahas ^^
bt then the problem is hahas we DUNNO Where to go =.= diaoooooO
and ml pass me the clip on the entire movie OMG HAHAS
i am so gonna watch and keep a copy fo myself later ^^ X)
hmm i love the HK show and the guy is freaking SHUAI+ adorable+ cute LOL
and joe's BDAE IS coming hahas ^^
i was blogghopping and saw many nice nice blog i am totally awed XD LOLX

lol i was doodling vampire knight characters yest bt then too ugly no need to shhow haha.
crunchyroll is still repairing har.i miss it like
my beloved animes are all there HMPH haahs.
and gueess wad my zettai was watched half-way gokusen 3 ep5 also.i am so f-ing slow lar.

okies tt lar gotta do other thingy lol.
whooooosh BYEBYE ^^
gurl no more time liao LEH!

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