
Emoti0nal ;D

vk 12 is uploaded and i am going to watch it after blogging .
see i love my blog so much ^^. LOL XD.
it is sport's day today!
firstly thanks the great weather for not being a wet blanket. :)
so the event was carried out successfully without flaws.
secondly hahas CONGRATZS to auntie koh for running like nobody's business and got 2nd.
aw mi and ml lost the bet soo we owe u a round uh? hahas.
"thx" bk for reminding me.but 1 round only ok lar ! XD.
and all the winners from our class.!hahas PROPROPRO.
because it would be impossible for me to run like that. hahas :D
thirdly,thx someone for running :) hahas. its good enough ler!im contented ;P

and after the sport's day i was incredibly tired and felt like sleeping.
hais a 100% pig.
bk,marcus,sherry,jerry,deanne,wk,ml,xq,jq,jiahui,joe and mi LOL(so many)
went to eat lunch together at tm.
bt i never eat and it is not because im on a diet or what
bt im simply not hungry haha.so waste money for what.
then we went to see some phone models and sat at the sofa provided hahas.
in the end decided to head home.hahas.
and some people said they saw miss wan and her ahem hand in hand hahas. ^.^
sorry people if i am unbelievably(unsure of spelling) quiet hahas.
cannot high,very tired and don't know why so emo DIAO0000.hahas :)
i enjoyed plucking the earpiece into my ears, listening to music as i stare out of the bus thinking of many many things and forget about my existance just for just a little while:D
maybe that is why i got home faster then i imagine :)

okkies that is all :)
Sorry chris never visit your stall and buy.PSPSPS!
argh i feel like going cycling suddenly.hu wanna go?LOL hahas ;D random sia
t0mmorrow resume school.(so fast!)t0day is not even a holiday lar :'(

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