
guitar CAMP '08 XD

lol if i am going to start blogging on what i had done for the past 3 days.
it would take at least 1hr ba hahahs.
now i am gathering inspirations and 精神. hahas.
b4 that .

okies i dont really feel like blogging but i shall try my best lar. and blog what i can remember/recall.
today, nvr go ah gong house to celebrate yang yang bdae bt we gt him a present XD
hehes.went to Ep to eat dinnerwith sister and germaine.
blah blah..

last sunday went to take the s'pore flyer. super big and nice ! hahas :)
PICTURES i put nxt time.
and i cannot really recall much on that except i held a snake with my aunt.
yuck lar. PUKE lar.so eer xin.

hmm started wif briefing and confiscating my beloved hp and wallet 0.0
then some ice-breaker games.followed by lunch and PRAC guitar for 4hrs.(disgusted)
hmmm. then practice the "talent night" for an hr.
later had dinner + farewell party for the sec4.
we missed the hand-over part cause we went to do CLEANING up =)
(actually we wanted to miss talent night lor cos it would be screwed up.so we tried to waste time BT TO NO AVAIL -_- )
then talent night was over like whooshh~ and JIAJING gave out some cards.
thanks JJ :) i love the card and the words were meaningful ~~
then later was the bathing part.
wa sai. we were supposed to bath on the 2nd floor.
lol actually went to the gents bt then too small +no water.
so went to the ladies.and the ladies toilet was sooo damn creepy.
at first only the middle cubicle was opened.
bt later chang pushed and the last one opened too !
and then so eeerie lar.bt bobian only toilet we could use.
and it was already 1030 bas hahas.
only 2 toilets available.got mi xq deanne celeste shanise(nt sure spelling) and caryn(dunno spelling)lol ony got cold water, bo heater ,bt shiok hahas :)
then go sleep lor.i manage to close an eye till 3am. thx beatrice and weijin i tink for waking mi up for night patrol lol ^^.
lol everyone all tired bt cannot sleep so talk talk lor hahas.
i stayed till 4 + den cannot tahan ler hahas. ;D
so i slept till 6am this morning .wa seh. -_-
wake up.brush teeth.tie hair.
go do PT (physical training).no精神 at all. eyelids super heavy.
bt HENG pt is nt running round the school, just some simple warm ups ;)
thx aqilah and qishan for the nice nice MILO :D
aft tt was guitar prac again.
then out door games.
ok la was fun.bt really walked a lotleh.
so many parts of tampines .legs wobbling and breaking
bt thx MR LIM.for buying us free drinks ^^.
went back for the last game.the 2 5 0 game(scissors ppr stone) LOL XD.
then pack and give out prizes and head hme. hahas.
hahas.i dont hate camp tt much anyone lar. hahas.
bt super tiring larrrr.!
and soon ZZZZ. hahas.
ps kor hahas sorry!

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