
quiz tagged by celeste.

01) What is my full name?

TAN HAI SHAN :)( no need chinese hor?)

(o2) Where will you go if someone sponsors you a tour ticket?

erm can i dont choose a place just refund the ticket and keep the money hahas XP

(03) What's your favourite thing(s) to do?

WATCHING the tv. sleeping. CHATTING.SHOPPING.listening to music.gossip.reading twilight.studying o.o

(04) Do you think money can buy happiness?

of course not.isnt that wad shows always says?

(05) If you can have one dream to come true what will it be?

erm.letmme think dont do this quiz (hahahs.) JK. just make me happy hahas :)

(06) What will you do when you are bored.

hmm.sit there and think why am i bored LOL XD.

(07) Do oyu encourage girls to admit their love to guys?

nope.not the despo kind :)

(08) What's love?

good question bt i dun have a love life hahas.wait till i have one ba and i will tell u.

(09) What do you dream of doing in the future?

doctor hahas ^^(i know a dumb ambition)

(10) List out 3 points about the person who tagged you?

celeste is pretty, very tall and my lovely JUNIOR XD

(11) What makes you happy?

ANYTHING that makes mi laugh.and listening to u will always be my baby :)

(12) What type of person do you hate the most?

hmm.the kind of person whom i dun like.hahas XD

(13) If you dont have a boyfriend/girlfriend, do you feel like haveing one now?

lol if one approaches i dun mind hahas LOLS.bt my mum will kill mi hahas ~

.(14) Who the most important person in your life?

can i put personS? my daddy, mummy, sissy, 9 cousiess,xq, ml,jq,wk,ed,kor,didi etc.

(15) What do you is the most important thing in your life?

everything is important to me :)

(16) Do you have a crush on someone now?

ya. blive ar? lol

(17) Who are you thinking right now?

who tinks of such lame quiz.

(18) Are you courageous enough to tell a person you like him/her?

nope.not despo kind.

(19) What do you want the most now?

hmm see ARJOE JAM HSIAO!LOLXD and finish my hw for mi sumone.

(20) If you can change smth in the past, what do you want?

wad's over lia0 dunnid to tink too much bout it hahas :) look forward to future lar and not backwards hahas :)

who wanna do just do ok hahas :).1st time im doing a quiz(on my blog) lar hahas ;)

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