
as long as u're happy

wow it is 10.42 now hahas :)
i was expecting to on9 alone all by myself lar.
hmph bt still gt as many as 10 people on9 leh.
hahas all nocturnal animals lols JKJK =.=

watching zhou ri now :)
ARIEL LIN SO CUTE i love her so much!
and she is super intelligent ;D
and figaro really like ariel lin lor kept on promoting her new bk ^^.
hahas todayy guitar is scary.uncle fierce hahahas :0
new song super difficult lar =/

omg egenie is pissing mi off.
all i need is to leave a bloody comment
and i would find the damn hell button OMG! grr.
i found and did something really stupid and dumb :( .
i am so going to be laugh at hahas :)
btw thks JUN QIANG :)

and my eng compo die ler fail ler.
hais hahas nvm tt all it is 11.39 pm ^^.
opps i still gt hw nt done ;( .procrastination.
sms-left 9 itink i dun wan to bao this time hahas :D
reply tag: ;) :i miss vien a lot also ^^ hahas :)

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