


a quick and short post:)

hahas.i got a chinese project to do .

hais a BIG BIG problem i cannot type in chinese SHIT man.


nvm. itry my best lol.

yest i saw BREAKING DAWN'S book cover.

it is awesome ^^.

now listening to claire's album.i'm lovin it.

hais.JYJY hs. lol

so sad i would nt be able to blog on 8 9 10(june)

2days for guitar camp.1 day going out.

im going to miss my blog hahas >.<

and that means i am going to miss my itazura na kiss ='( and HnC

nvm that's all bye.i better start reading heartland(pukes)

twilight-movie poster ^^


VK de OPENING song: nice nice!

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