

ariel cute cute wor!

well,the weather today is torturing.
i could feel rain down my forehead even if i am in an air-condition bus. LOL
ok sorry for not blogging yesterday.reason:i was on a verge of pulling out every strand of my hair cos i wasnt able to finish studying lar.and i got to rush to swimming.

todayy assembly seriously bored me to death+ i dont feel any air-con lehs hahas.
BIO was the most malu less0n lar.thx to KOH WEE KIONG.
nvm i made a stupid mistake in egenie.and im dumb LOL.
i recived my eng compo and the result was POO! (shit) i failed like wow u are great!
hahas 10/30~pathetic ar.so sorry kor hahas :)
CHEM less0n i love SALTS :D wakaks.
CHINESE less0n~ haha mi and xq were discussing bout shopping and seriously i need more more clothes hahas :) + we were listening to edm0nd singing .-_-(gotten really used to it lar)
after school passes vien the amath qns .^^(jiayou in exams hahas :D)
yest on the train to toa payoh vien and i was discussing bout growing taller. hahas.
she say she dun wan to stay that height and ask mi to jump more and JY bt then hor
hahas no USE LAR. short means short LOL hahas bt vien at least better then mi still ;)
oh i shall not on9 so long gt hw :'( + guitar!prac hahas :P

+sorry joshua nvr pass u tie OMG! PAISEH!

bio / guitar ?.. hmm think hard**


as long as u're happy

wow it is 10.42 now hahas :)
i was expecting to on9 alone all by myself lar.
hmph bt still gt as many as 10 people on9 leh.
hahas all nocturnal animals lols JKJK =.=

watching zhou ri now :)
ARIEL LIN SO CUTE i love her so much!
and she is super intelligent ;D
and figaro really like ariel lin lor kept on promoting her new bk ^^.
hahas todayy guitar is scary.uncle fierce hahahas :0
new song super difficult lar =/

omg egenie is pissing mi off.
all i need is to leave a bloody comment
and i would find the damn hell button OMG! grr.
i found and did something really stupid and dumb :( .
i am so going to be laugh at hahas :)
btw thks JUN QIANG :)

and my eng compo die ler fail ler.
hais hahas nvm tt all it is 11.39 pm ^^.
opps i still gt hw nt done ;( .procrastination.
sms-left 9 itink i dun wan to bao this time hahas :D
reply tag: ;) :i miss vien a lot also ^^ hahas :)


quiz tagged by celeste.

01) What is my full name?

TAN HAI SHAN :)( no need chinese hor?)

(o2) Where will you go if someone sponsors you a tour ticket?

erm can i dont choose a place just refund the ticket and keep the money hahas XP

(03) What's your favourite thing(s) to do?

WATCHING the tv. sleeping. CHATTING.SHOPPING.listening to music.gossip.reading twilight.studying o.o

(04) Do you think money can buy happiness?

of course not.isnt that wad shows always says?

(05) If you can have one dream to come true what will it be?

erm.letmme think dont do this quiz (hahahs.) JK. just make me happy hahas :)

(06) What will you do when you are bored.

hmm.sit there and think why am i bored LOL XD.

(07) Do oyu encourage girls to admit their love to guys?

nope.not the despo kind :)

(08) What's love?

good question bt i dun have a love life hahas.wait till i have one ba and i will tell u.

(09) What do you dream of doing in the future?

doctor hahas ^^(i know a dumb ambition)

(10) List out 3 points about the person who tagged you?

celeste is pretty, very tall and my lovely JUNIOR XD

(11) What makes you happy?

ANYTHING that makes mi laugh.and listening to u will always be my baby :)

(12) What type of person do you hate the most?

hmm.the kind of person whom i dun like.hahas XD

(13) If you dont have a boyfriend/girlfriend, do you feel like haveing one now?

lol if one approaches i dun mind hahas LOLS.bt my mum will kill mi hahas ~

.(14) Who the most important person in your life?

can i put personS? my daddy, mummy, sissy, 9 cousiess,xq, ml,jq,wk,ed,kor,didi etc.

(15) What do you is the most important thing in your life?

everything is important to me :)

(16) Do you have a crush on someone now?

ya. blive ar? lol

(17) Who are you thinking right now?

who tinks of such lame quiz.

(18) Are you courageous enough to tell a person you like him/her?

nope.not despo kind.

(19) What do you want the most now?

hmm see ARJOE JAM HSIAO!LOLXD and finish my hw for mi sumone.

(20) If you can change smth in the past, what do you want?

wad's over lia0 dunnid to tink too much bout it hahas :) look forward to future lar and not backwards hahas :)

who wanna do just do ok hahas :).1st time im doing a quiz(on my blog) lar hahas ;)

corporal punishment.

hahas, this post is going to be super fast.

and i got to find out more ab0ut corporal punishment later hahas.

LOL nothing much happened in school.so boring .hahas

i saw VIEN when im going home yay! >.<

i am going to watch zettai kareshi later hahas!

elaine said that the 10 and 11 episode is super duper touching.

i tink i will cry lar.:'( hahas.LOL

and yar many many revision to do this week!gambateh LOL XD.

my sis recently opened a compo story blog lar.

and it inspired me hahas cause it is so cool LOL. s0 they will write story chapters and post it on their blogs.maybe i will open one one day LOL.hahas.(if only i have the inspiration to read a fantastic story)

ans i LOVE JAM (not those where u spread on ur bread bt hsia0 jing teng).

HAHAHAS.lol his so cute and his singing rawks.esp when he sang the songs during golden ma awards. FAINTS.*

so he will be the picture of the day hahahs :)

(sorry bt arjoe is too cute ^^)



today school is sian de lor XD.very sleepy.
hahas todayy we got a new sitting arrangement.
and say hi to -monice, si yuh, shiu heng, and siti :)
and 3a is fortunate cause we got great teachers :)
hahas so i enjoy my less0ns.
and today on9 not for fun i(we) got a task by miss ong. :)
find out s0mething hahas.and OMG 0-lvl chinese oral is like 2 weeks later.
so quick (faint faint faint).wa i am s0 not going to pass it. :(
and vk watched till 12.zettai to 8 :)gokusen3 to 5.itazura na kiss to 11 :)
hahas,drama maniac ;P
and thx joshua for a GREAT song.hahas.
and kor u owe mi one,i nt everytime can help u de leh >.<>
and that's all.hahas.
feel like posting lyrics of elva's IMPLUSIVE.

很感激 這城市擁擠的交通

讓你我 還能多相處幾分鐘

人潮中 怕失散所以輕輕拉你的手

一刻不放鬆 不放鬆

忍不住 想要愛你的衝動

不確定你屬於我 會有點寂寞

你給的幸福 在我心中


忍不住 想要吻你的衝動

不確定我的執著 能讓你感動

我只能相信自己感受 不怕失落

關於你的一切 我想要比誰都懂

我的心 是被你設定的鬧鐘

提醒我 想你的時間不夠用

為什麼 平淡的事情現在忽然生動

是你改變我 你改變我

忍不住 想要愛你的衝動

不確定你屬於我 會有點寂寞

你給的幸福 在我心中自由走動


忍不住 想要吻你的衝動

不確定我的執著 能讓你感動

我只能相信自己感受 不怕失落

關於你的一切 我想要比誰都懂

你是情人 還是朋友

還沒勇氣 想得太多

你的世界 如此遼闊


忍不住 想要愛你的衝動

不確定你屬於我 會有點寂寞

你給的幸福 在我心中


忍不住 想要吻你的衝動

不確定我的執著 能讓你感動

我只能相信自己感受 不怕失落

關於你的一切 我想要比誰都懂


Emoti0nal ;D

vk 12 is uploaded and i am going to watch it after blogging .
see i love my blog so much ^^. LOL XD.
it is sport's day today!
firstly thanks the great weather for not being a wet blanket. :)
so the event was carried out successfully without flaws.
secondly hahas CONGRATZS to auntie koh for running like nobody's business and got 2nd.
aw mi and ml lost the bet soo we owe u a round uh? hahas.
"thx" bk for reminding me.but 1 round only ok lar ! XD.
and all the winners from our class.!hahas PROPROPRO.
because it would be impossible for me to run like that. hahas :D
thirdly,thx someone for running :) hahas. its good enough ler!im contented ;P

and after the sport's day i was incredibly tired and felt like sleeping.
hais a 100% pig.
bk,marcus,sherry,jerry,deanne,wk,ml,xq,jq,jiahui,joe and mi LOL(so many)
went to eat lunch together at tm.
bt i never eat and it is not because im on a diet or what
bt im simply not hungry haha.so waste money for what.
then we went to see some phone models and sat at the sofa provided hahas.
in the end decided to head home.hahas.
and some people said they saw miss wan and her ahem hand in hand hahas. ^.^
sorry people if i am unbelievably(unsure of spelling) quiet hahas.
cannot high,very tired and don't know why so emo DIAO0000.hahas :)
i enjoyed plucking the earpiece into my ears, listening to music as i stare out of the bus thinking of many many things and forget about my existance just for just a little while:D
maybe that is why i got home faster then i imagine :)

okkies that is all :)
Sorry chris never visit your stall and buy.PSPSPS!
argh i feel like going cycling suddenly.hu wanna go?LOL hahas ;D random sia
t0mmorrow resume school.(so fast!)t0day is not even a holiday lar :'(



ARJOEEEE in HK ^^ thks to dream girl(crunchyroll) ;)

okies.hahas 5.30 back from guitar.
yaya!hahas i was expecting guitar to end at 6.30pm lar.
second guitar so difficult NO TUNE NO TUNE! the beat kept on repeating hhahas :)

i'm waiting for my dinner :) mummy went to ah g0ng house to get food ^^
hehe.oh ya.got to help jq print timetable hehe. (jq ur timetable s g0nna get destr0yed in my hands HAHAS LOLXD)
today,super shiok chiong-ed amath and ge0 hw in school ;D.
xq i managed to snatch some hw for u hahas :0
tml must come hor!hahas.meeting ml at trafficlight around 8.15 ^^

opss* raining super heavily.hope it doesnt rain tml :)
oh ya and my sissy is so gonna get it from me.
she mad the entire house messy and left for tution without even clearing Up!grr.
omg then i suspect a bird flew IN EEEEEEEEEEEYYYER.PUKES*
my sissy die lia0.muhahahas :) so evil!.
omg and next week zhou ri ba dian dang is ARIEL and FIGARO OMGGGG>
yayaya bt y isn't is joe :(


school RE-OPENS.

well i could not sleep last night and i simply dont know why.
and ya i was watching pushing daisies half-way and my mum yelled at me to switch off the tv.awwww! :(
tomorrow xq is not coming to school :( awww!
hahas.school =to sian.
the best part was when we were entering the new school hall filled with abundant amount of cold air haha :)
LOlXD.then the cher starts crapping and kept on opening and closing her mouth for approximately an hour ba!
with all the vision mission blah blah blah...boring.sad to say.

oh ya ML got a cute fringe hehehehes :)love it.damn cute.and i printed the timetable ler!
baka kor hahas sorry just felt like scolding u ~so random =.=
and thks joshua for the timetable thingy!
and chang CONGRATZ .u know wad i mean LOL XD.OPPS.*
i checked this week's yu le ITS SO NICE hahahhas.
蕭敬騰~ yeah he's so cute LOL.
棒棒堂 范瑋琪~hahas i love FAN FAN. LOLLIPOP~owodog :)
古巨基 郭靜~lol edmond will scream upon see-ing guo jing name.hehe.

tommorrow is the dateline for chinese OMG!the ng-s SUAN Ler. hahas
and wed is sport day YIPPEE!!! no school :)
do i have hw today?
hmmm think i do N i don't.hais.
gg off9 even if i want to watch itazura na kiss badly.
nvm as long as i catch my hk~when rules turn loose show can ler.
OK-ies byebye HAHAS.
tml got 3 period bio lesson.wa dun sleep can ler :(


SWENSEN's supper <3

i went swensen's for supper at 10pm yest night YAY.
it is a mini-gathering with cousins since school is resuming tml.
hais dont know whether to be sad or happy :) hahas.
more of happy bas. hehe.^^
darn the timetable change AGAIN. waste my printer ink :( hmph.
yest was very nice.
when we went there, vien was narrating the entire 12 13 14 episode of fated to love you.
and i was attentively listening to her story.hahas i am going to catch that TW drama for sure.the ratings are like higher then my prince frog LEH! hmph hahas. :0
bt then bo bian lar.
then i was an idiot.i wore my class tee there was laughed by gerald lee!wlao. ;(
then yang yang wanna see the back of my shirt bt then too bad =P hahas.
lolX.we order chicken in a jacket,earthquake and banana split and fries hehe.
LOL XD so nice and the price also although i dunno how much lar.
picstime hahas LOL.
vien helped mi collage it :).super nice hahas
oh ya must help xq bring amath tml :)



okay i shall start my blog with something else instead of the usual hellos,hahas.
YAYAY finished heartland aready.hmm,i dunno why school want us to read this booklar.
if only we read books like twilight blah blah blah.
hahas mummy and sissy are CAM-whoring OPPS*.
LOL XD they are just so LAME -.-
my dad came back from thailand for holiday.hmph.(never bring me there!)
and hahas.he bought like a dozen of clothes that are identical that could be shared among mi my mum and my sis.LOL =.=
he bought hairclips also OMG.i got the ultra big one that could clip up my entire hair if i try hahas.
yay i am DL-ing JAM album whoolala ^^ so happy.
and i am gonna see FAN FAN album also YAYAYA.im so gay LOL XD
and todayy gt guitar ohh i almost forgot hahas.
the usual routine but the room is EXTREMELY freezing.
so darn cold that i couldnt play the guitar well lar. humph :(
LOL.and after guitar on 28 bus i was PROMOTING yiwei to ml hahahahahhahas ;D
lol hope she accepts hahas JKJK ~pls dun KILL mi .
then i alighted the bus and saw WIRA o.o and his bro LOL.look almost identical CAN!
and because guitar was starving me i bought a rollercoaster(chips) and a STRAWBERRY lollipop hahahahahas :)
and went home immediately went out for lunch LOL.
hehe ate japanese food a wadeva bento set hehe LOL XD.

lol my mum wants to renovate the ROOMS 0.0 lol see my father gt $$ anot first hehe.
LOL if i can get a new room LOL.dreaming awayyyy :)
and that's all later reading oral notes HMMM. hahas ^^
i wanna watch SHAO NIAN YANG JIA JIANG TML (buttttt is to 12.30am) mon cannot wake up :( hais.


RUNAWAY bride. :)

(joshua did this)
hahas long time no see! LOL XD
i miss my BLOG like %$#@ but im so sorry
because i would nt be blogging about sec3 camp todayy.
i gort many things to do.hahas like mopping the floor LOL XD.
and ya omg.i search for a blogskin for an entire afternoon.
and hais wasted a lot of time.aiy0.
yest i slept from 11.30 ->2.30pm OMG
so firstly i have to apologise to xue qi she called mi twice.
and kor for late reply of sms . PAI SEH .
and hmm i cannot slack any more.
school holidays are over gurl start mugging soon LOL. hahas.kiasu .
i got to thank joshua for the graffiti hahas (see if i can post the pic)
okies i really got to go. ;(
blog bout camp another day HAHAS :)
OK byebye i enjoyed the camp hahas.
and in the end we did not went BOWLING :( urgh nvm
and go see time table!!!!!!!! change lia00 DIAO

he is so CUTE!(mummy's friend son) he's javier ^^

opps there is my SISSY :X

SO SMALL ;D (i took a pic of him when i was gg to fetch my sis)


SEC 3 camp is just TOMMORROW OMG! hahas XD

lol i am blogging again hahas ;)
today there is guitar prac from 1 to 5pm.
hmm actually i wanted to change blogskin yesterday but then the skin keep on giving me problems + i am super pissed off hahas so change again when there is time ba. hehes.
okay i got to make this really fast cos joshua going to read it by9 and i got things to send to kor.lol
so i shall speed up my typing speed if possible LOL XD
hmm and ya
before i start posting hahas yesterday morning i was chatting with xq like from
10.30 pm to 2 am hahas
LOL XD my ear was stinging and moist hahas.
i was the only one awake lor everyone was in wonderland hahas XD
it was super nice and i told her next time it will be from 10.30 pm to 10.30 aM hahas .
lol bt tonight cannot lar cos tml got camp. HMPH and gotta report by 7.00am.
omg =( i 100% cannot wake up hais.hope the camp turn out well.
i am nt really afraid of any games or wad hahas.
as long as the food is ok to eat the floor is ok to sleep and the water is ok to drink and the toilet is not UN-usable and i dun see anything that will be fine ;)
hahas .LOL XD

okkies today guitar was quite difficult for me .
we gotta teach the sec 1, actually they were already pretty fast + the dumb ass tempo is simply impossible to catch.uncle lim sh0uld try lar because really difficult to play together + no tempo + no melody and we are destroying the nice piece largh.LOL XD
wad did i want to blog ar i forgot liao SHIT.

oh ya and mei lan is asking if we wanna go out nxt friday :)
because holidays are ending liao leh no more play time hahas ^^
bt then the problem is hahas we DUNNO Where to go =.= diaoooooO
and ml pass me the clip on the entire movie OMG HAHAS
i am so gonna watch and keep a copy fo myself later ^^ X)
hmm i love the HK show and the guy is freaking SHUAI+ adorable+ cute LOL
and joe's BDAE IS coming hahas ^^
i was blogghopping and saw many nice nice blog i am totally awed XD LOLX

lol i was doodling vampire knight characters yest bt then too ugly no need to shhow haha.
crunchyroll is still repairing har.i miss it like
my beloved animes are all there HMPH haahs.
and gueess wad my zettai was watched half-way gokusen 3 ep5 also.i am so f-ing slow lar.

okies tt lar gotta do other thingy lol.
whooooosh BYEBYE ^^
gurl no more time liao LEH!


enjoying life.

lol. hellos again.
todayy will be a super short p0st.
cause i am watching zettai and gokusen3 hehes.
i will be looking out for itazura na kiss and Vk if possible.
sian tml gt guitar praac for long long hrs.
and i gt to thx joshua again for the songs and he is helping chang to shoot de movietoday hahas ;)
lol.i cant belive i read newspaper today =D LoL XD
everything loading so slowly hahas.
yest night watched incredible tales,pushing daisies and shao nian yang jia jiang hahas :0
super nice hehe.^^
later going to revise. or mb flip through txtbk which is most likely impossible sian.
hahas bt gg to sec3 camp soon
ok enuff of blabbering and don't read this crap if u do not like hahas.
because i am typing for the sake of typing lol.im BORED-ED

ar! so i shall post lyrics of a nice nice song hehe :)

you and me
What day is it? And in what month?
This clock never seemed so alive
I can't keep up and I can't back down
I've been losing so much time
Cause it's you and me and all of the people with nothing to do
Nothing to lose
And it's you and me and all of the people
And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you
All of the things that I want to say just aren't coming out right
I'm tripping on words
You've got my head spinningI
don't know where to go from here
Cause it's you and me and all of the people with nothing to do
Nothing to prove
And it's you and me and all of the people
And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you
There's something about you nowI can't quite figure out
Everything she does is beautiful
Everything she does is right
Cause it's you and me and all of the people with nothing to do
Nothing to lose
And it's you and me and all of the people
And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of
youand me and all of the people with nothing to d
oNothing to prove
And it's you and me and all of the people
And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you
What day is it?And in what month?
This clock never seemed so alive.



hellos ;)
hahas didnt know what to blog about.
actually i wanted to come early and discuss wif mei lan bout the sec 3 camp thingy.
and wth who knows i slept till 5.00pm from 1.30 pm OMG*.
i really felt like slapping myself lar.stupid egg fat pig mi. ;(

no swimming today rosy got to study(jaw drops ;D) and vien cannot make it.
nvm my heartland will accompany throughout the night.
lol i rumaged through my little "library" and found out that there are 5 books that i should be reading. WAWAWA ;X + reading papers are also very important.

ya i missed all my shows this week ; zettai kareshi gokusen3 and HnC.wlao,i cannot find time leh hahas mb later lor.hais.more are coming out this week hmmm :(
nvm i got to thank joshua for loads of things sending mi songs and themes and sending an e-mail bout animals LOL :) lol and thank him for telliing me that ownskins got k850i theme lar.
how updated can i be man! hahas ;)
and who got LIFEHOUSE-you and me send mi please!!begs** hahas
super NICE :D
and i am gg to dl elva's album hahas ;)
marcos felt better ;)
chang happy birthday hahas.LOL XD(ur bdae so near to uncle lim lehs)
chey my sms BAO by 7.05 i thought i need to spend a bomb ! lol 501 msg DIAO =.=
and mei lan thx for caring my sms-es hahas lets go shopping for sec3 camp stuff yeah bt i lost the LIST shit!

opps i heard sumthing accidentally hmm =)


MC house gathering ^^


hahas ps people i am not MSN-ing first because once i logged in, i would be chatting instead of blogging lol. hahas.
okks it is again a wonderful day today LOL!
congratz us because we finished our CHINESE PROJECT.
okk bt i was very very GUILTY for being such a great pers0n and PANG SEH-ing them to go for a primary school gathering.so i got to specially thank XUE QI for her hse, MEI LAN for her great participation, JUN QIANG for most of the work, EDMOND for lending hs voice and WEE kIONG for participating too. LOL that is why they manage to finish the entire project. greatly appreciated people!

and thanks xue qi for paying my lunch first thks i will return asap de! >.<

lol secondly is going to MC HOUSE ^^
hahas although there is only 7 people.BT hahas it was amazingly cozy and peaceful.
bt a pity jeanette and nicole came late and miss some games.
lol we played mostly card games hahas V.V. fun ^^ like : indian poker, cheat, pit...
and yesh we ate KFC for lunch cos we were too lazy to walk to ECP the hawker centre.
and MC dog so kawaii although my fear for dogs did not went away still hahas :)
and we watched shows and chatted a lot bout schools and many other issues that are SUPER DUPER interesting...
and the conversation motivated me to study harder and know more about my surroundings.
lol i am starting to blog like my sister lehs. aiy0 hahas.
and my sister is watching ISWAK AGAIN lol (ps sidetracked)
anw went hme in taxi cause bryan went home with parents, teckyan went to his ah ma house so mi nic and jeanette and yun sol went to take a taxi o.o hahas
lol since all going to SIMEI is like SHUN BIAN LARGHS. hahas
and later gg on9 to teach joshua maths.
lol i got no confidence at all lar
skali cannot ans is like so diu lian :'(
it has been a long long time since i touch my books and study lia0 leh. ;(
ok tt all bye bye
gg to chatt and watch shows if possible
bt first got to fill my hungry stomach hahas.
tt all byebye!

You and me and all of the people
With nothing to do nothin to prove
andIt's you and me and all of the people
andI don't why I can't keep my eyes off of you


SUNRISE=no sleep 0.0

JOSHUA see i blog! hahas.
better sleep after reading my post LOL XD.
hahas this boy read twilight in 2days. o.o
i can never do it lar.
only one word to describe PRO. cheers for him!* LOL!!!
and he is a super gd DIDI ^^ hehes. 26/9~i remember LOL!
we are the YYSJY fans LOL. :D diao.
moving on.

firstly today went back to school to do CHINESE PROJECT.
ok CONGRATZ we finally finished the SHOOTING !phew *
bt it is not the end yet.(urghs* sigh badly)
we still got editing and wrapping up to do! lol.it is s0 damn freaking asshole tiring. hahas.
although we did slack todayy BT we finished SHOOTING with the MIN. amt of NG.and i promise to let rosy see( lend mi cam recorder) and BK(one of the cast).
after it is done i give it to u 2 ok :)
tml we going to XQ hse hahas ! yayas.nvm lar xq ur hse is nt messy de!mine is den worst!

hahas thank you MEI LAN for teaching mi how to use the converter really FAST AND GOOD TO USE ^^
my eyes are hurting argh!=(
and auntie koh hahas u better thank mi for teaching u to do the blog stuff hahas JKJK. lar!
wa seh for the first time kor went off9 earlier then mi. 0.0 ok ba?
and xq hahas NIGHT SO CUTEEEE ^^

thirdly hais this week so damn busyyyyy
and not freeee and tiringgg and im faintingggg.
lol after project tml is still have to PANGSEH my great friends and go for a pri school gathering.
i am so sorry and such a b****** lar. arhhs APOLOGISES sincerely!

and yest hahas.
mi + my cousins + my parents ===> go BBQ-ing
ok the whole night wad was i doing ar, i only know that i wasn't sleeping at all.
ok we ate till 11+ BBQ.
then went to CYCLE to fetch ROSY.frm part C when we are at part G.
CYCLE CYCLE CYCLE . . . till 12.00+
then play card game+ JAMMING(nt mi bt yang yang!)
i remembered we went to buy MAC at 2.00am hahas ^^
then went to bath w/ germaine at 3.00am hahas.
sat down and played card games(asshole cho tae ti )till 4.00+
rosy gerald vien yang yang and mi laid on the mat on the grass and stare into the sky ^^
really peaceful and pretty ^^
and we w8 for the sun rise ~diao couldnt see anything larrrrrrr.some red red patch =(
and the morning is freezing i can tell u it is = aircon 19/20 degress celcius really!

ok tt's all ^^ going to find free time to finish up other hw and als0heartland(im laggin behind).
and i love HK show hahas when rules turn loose XD.
lol and finally gd night bye bye.
i gt cute cute pictures of VIEN hehe :)


KK + BBQ ^^

hahas now mopping the floor come back soon ~lol
ok continue.
listening to FM9.33 hahas.LOLLIPOP is coming later LOL!

ok firstly,
hahas when i on9.
CHANG :told mi about math qns in ACE-learning.and i feel so stupid omg i DUNNO HOW TO DOarghhh!bt i dunno if ah tan got put such a quiz on9 so i am gg to check hahas :)(ppl can go check if they wan also !bt i nt sure if mus do lar)
JUNQIANG: ask mi hahas bout tml chinese project and say he cannot come till 3pm.
his entire family gg somewhere . so tml how?????? wawa confused.anw anything SMS mi i gg out later lol.XD(and JQ IS A vry vry gd bro!) hahas :)
MARCOS(i tink):EMO-ing har hahas.he gt a problem bu fang bian tell anyone hahas so i can only say cheer up :D hahas .
thx ROSY for all the english songs lol listening now + jy for exams!
i love CHATTING with JOSHUA-guitar de (he so cute lar hahas little TWdrama fan! =X) he loves YU LE also hahas.^^
KOR call mi straight fringe baka(he mus love it seeing this lar)hahas :)
CHRIS:finally added U!actually thx for adding mi hahas :)
ANW, tomorrow the chinese project hor people must come in proper clothes hor the ones u wore last time!XD

ok and i nvr read HEARTLAND omg.f mi. :(
yaya and i can FLUNK my ca2 test w/0 even starting LOl o.o
Yest i spend a long long time on9-ing.and omg i only finishED my V.K 10 wawawa still got a lott more to go.well i went to see the manga cos i couldnt resist the temptation hahas ;)
v.v.v.v.v.v NICE. :P ~although is SPOILER bt nah hahas
i found out there is nth i can blog about hahas
mb afterr the BBQ today i can get pictures ^^
lol. i loVE V.K starting song.FAINTING hahas :)*so random larghs*

anw 6B peeps. hahas.
gg to MC house on sat? JEANETTE go i go hahas.
lol. ^^ i miss MC so long nvr see her ler LOL XD.
thats all byebye i must chiong ZETTAI KARESHI ep8hahas :)
and playing game wif JQ :D

kept in the dark.wad went wrong?



hais i shall not open tabs again.
my coms lagg so badly that i had to restart it GRRRRR.
wLAO furthermore, i just loaded all the shows that i wanna watch.
i shall do things one by one!hahas~patience.
and i slept for 11hrs(12.30am-11.30am) hehe shiok/

ok since todayy all my show has aired.
i shall notblog soo loong and quiackly move on to my shows.
xq zettai and Vk cum out ler!hahas go watch LOL.
and next few days mb will not have enough time to blog also ='( argh nvm hahas :)
watching a new anime(recomanded by rosy):ouran high school host club hahas :D

tonight:gg swimming
tml: KK+ BBQ wif cousins
fri+sat:gg to do chinese project.
aiy0 im fully booked! lol.
hahahs v.v. busy ar.and NO MATTER WHAT i am gg to start heartland today!hahas ;D~disgusting.


guitar CAMP '08 XD

lol if i am going to start blogging on what i had done for the past 3 days.
it would take at least 1hr ba hahahs.
now i am gathering inspirations and 精神. hahas.
b4 that .

okies i dont really feel like blogging but i shall try my best lar. and blog what i can remember/recall.
today, nvr go ah gong house to celebrate yang yang bdae bt we gt him a present XD
hehes.went to Ep to eat dinnerwith sister and germaine.
blah blah..

last sunday went to take the s'pore flyer. super big and nice ! hahas :)
PICTURES i put nxt time.
and i cannot really recall much on that except i held a snake with my aunt.
yuck lar. PUKE lar.so eer xin.

hmm started wif briefing and confiscating my beloved hp and wallet 0.0
then some ice-breaker games.followed by lunch and PRAC guitar for 4hrs.(disgusted)
hmmm. then practice the "talent night" for an hr.
later had dinner + farewell party for the sec4.
we missed the hand-over part cause we went to do CLEANING up =)
(actually we wanted to miss talent night lor cos it would be screwed up.so we tried to waste time BT TO NO AVAIL -_- )
then talent night was over like whooshh~ and JIAJING gave out some cards.
thanks JJ :) i love the card and the words were meaningful ~~
then later was the bathing part.
wa sai. we were supposed to bath on the 2nd floor.
lol actually went to the gents bt then too small +no water.
so went to the ladies.and the ladies toilet was sooo damn creepy.
at first only the middle cubicle was opened.
bt later chang pushed and the last one opened too !
and then so eeerie lar.bt bobian only toilet we could use.
and it was already 1030 bas hahas.
only 2 toilets available.got mi xq deanne celeste shanise(nt sure spelling) and caryn(dunno spelling)lol ony got cold water, bo heater ,bt shiok hahas :)
then go sleep lor.i manage to close an eye till 3am. thx beatrice and weijin i tink for waking mi up for night patrol lol ^^.
lol everyone all tired bt cannot sleep so talk talk lor hahas.
i stayed till 4 + den cannot tahan ler hahas. ;D
so i slept till 6am this morning .wa seh. -_-
wake up.brush teeth.tie hair.
go do PT (physical training).no精神 at all. eyelids super heavy.
bt HENG pt is nt running round the school, just some simple warm ups ;)
thx aqilah and qishan for the nice nice MILO :D
aft tt was guitar prac again.
then out door games.
ok la was fun.bt really walked a lotleh.
so many parts of tampines .legs wobbling and breaking
bt thx MR LIM.for buying us free drinks ^^.
went back for the last game.the 2 5 0 game(scissors ppr stone) LOL XD.
then pack and give out prizes and head hme. hahas.
hahas.i dont hate camp tt much anyone lar. hahas.
bt super tiring larrrr.!
and soon ZZZZ. hahas.
ps kor hahas sorry!



today early in the morning got my guitar less0ns.LOL.
it was like since 3 or 4 months since i touch the guitar.
wow miraculouslyi didnt forget how to play a guitar LOL. -_-!!!
ok the new song is seriously DIFFICULT .the notes were easy its the TIMING whoos.
it is damn annoying when i couldnt get the tempo right hahas.
and todayy many people never came.
jeanette lijin and weekiong aka auntie koh.
hais going to guitar camp on 9 and 10.[dont miss me ppl !]-lol JKJK+BHB
100% we gg to die for talent night LOL.hais nvm just screw up the thing like what deanne said hahas ^^.
urgh i am missing my last episode of healing hands3.
nvm mummy help mi record i hope so and 10.30 show on sunday night hahas ^^.
surprisingly my tabbs are working on the computer LOL.
hahas thx xq for the twilight thingy ->jacob black .hmm ok la no comments.i just wanna watch the movie hahas :)
watching hana kimi TWversion.not very bad bt a bit slow hahas.
and hahas ITAZURA na kiss come out ep10 so funny the anime hahas.bt it is subbed in chinese
:D.i love claire songs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! siao!
and tt all bye bye i am soooo DARN bored lar.
nvm i will be out tml anyways. XD
(if i am not wrong:[left to right] Emmett,Rosalie,esme,edward,carlisle,alice,jasper)-i gt bad bad spelling hahas >.<(bella nt inside LOL)




a quick and short post:)

hahas.i got a chinese project to do .

hais a BIG BIG problem i cannot type in chinese SHIT man.


nvm. itry my best lol.

yest i saw BREAKING DAWN'S book cover.

it is awesome ^^.

now listening to claire's album.i'm lovin it.

hais.JYJY hs. lol

so sad i would nt be able to blog on 8 9 10(june)

2days for guitar camp.1 day going out.

im going to miss my blog hahas >.<

and that means i am going to miss my itazura na kiss ='( and HnC

nvm that's all bye.i better start reading heartland(pukes)

twilight-movie poster ^^


VK de OPENING song: nice nice!


NO school today :)

todayy woke up at 11am.(proudly to say)
yayas. super shiok.
bt then help mum wif the hsework and blah blah.
later posting letter and finding rosy to fix the camera hahas.
are we shooting tml? hahas.

just finish HnC ep2 nt dat bad hahas. bt still prefer joe and ariel .
hmm on to my zettai kareshi 7! hahas.yayas.
VK damn addictive lar. i love ichijou whoos. so cute sia.hahas mad mad.
later 100% mus do some hw if nt i have been lke slacking for days. =(
chinese reflection n a math hahas.

and shan to :) (in my tagboard)- lol i love u alot too. hahas of course
it is my lovely cousin vivien s0 people dun misunderstood hahas.
hahas LOL.

still w9 for gokusen3 hais. nvm patience hehe.
hmmm busy DL-ing songs .and i tink tts all >.<>

honeyclover characters :) all are lovED esp joe eddie and zhu ben ^^n janine and xia0 yu lol



today is super duper tiring.
urgh faints*
later still going swimming!wth bt nvm hahas :)
chinese super boring dun wish to elaborate hahas

todayy we did chinese project it was like 100X harder then wad we expected lol.
and acting is not easy at all.
ps ppl for NG-ing so many times due to my uncontrollable laughter hais.
ml is a great actor lar! hahas she can REN so well lor.
lol we actually recorded at least 1/2 of it ! tt means still got another 1/2 more . hahas
then the cam recorder went DEAD . so we the six of us sat down and chatted.
hahas had a really great time!
lol. den at the bus stop we(ml n jq n mi ) were chatting bout rotting away our holis.
so mb we will go out one day to PLAY-sounds childish.bt we will find things to do so we will not bec0me
  • fatter
  • dumber
  • bored.

hahas. tts all VK SUBBED really cum out ler xq go watch go watch! hahas :) gg to chiong AMATH if possible =X.....

lol and today special thanks to..:

  1. BK
  2. jerry
  3. noel
  4. de other guy ^^(dunno the name ps)
  5. and the 6 of us hahas :)

---> for participating in the act.lol if i am allowed to MB will post some pics if i can! >.<


S.S project DONE!


hs is back to normal.
thought thru a lot of things and i felt really better hahas.
now watching yu le hahas it is XIAO GUI ! =)
love him and his new book !
lol his new ep also cute.
hahas just came back from xq hse !
yeah another workload off! woots.
hahas post SOME pics later hahas i drew again lol.
later going to ah gong house.:)
then cum home watch tv and do hw (if possible).
hahas tt all.
tml gort school =( ~stupid oral arghh >:(
hahas tt all byebye :) off to watch itazura na kiss n honey n clover !



hs is rather down today
due to some problems hahas
so im nt blogging.
tml going to xq hse to do project.
arghh many hw undone =(
nvm byebye.
i will be fine :)



hihi long time to see.
watching hana kimi tw versi0n now.lol
gonna catch de jap de one day ^^.
lol wed gg to SHOOT!
hahas having a conversation wif mei lan and weekiong.hahas laughing my ass off.
never on9 for so long.
my saturday
  • pon guitar for some family matters.

  • then went vien's house change and went ORCHARD.

  • after shopping, went to rosanne house to eat dim sum for dinner.

  • went home to sleep

nvr do hw at all >:( nvr watch koizora also D:<

went to orchard.wowwowwow!those things are totally UN-affordable.i saw a wallet -->$359.going into the shop still need to queue up -.- ... so i went empty handed and came back empty handed.for afternoon tea we went to try the toast box.oishi!

my sunday

  • woke up and do SS-seq

  • went to metta +eat lunch

  • went home watched KOIZORA :)

  • then come and blog ^^

nvr do essay yet urgh!hahas nvm do l8ter ;D...

i got the cam recorder yeah =) thx rosyy >.<>