
霹靂MIT (thunderbolt)

LOL mei lan says that the show 霹靂MIT is nice
and resembles bump off lover.
so im going to watch it when i got the time (:
oh my lar today has been a not very ok day :/
urm NVM (x
i gota thank new friend
LOL ur sms cheered me up.(:
ya i was TRAUMATISED. quite severly.
and my friends of course.thanks
for erm helping me when i felt so helpless at that time. HAHA
u should know wad im talking bout.
there are many of them and i couldnt name all of them
cos at that time and at that state my mind was blank
my eyes was tearing and everything was blur and im sort of half conscious because im confused
many stuffs appeared on my mind and everything happened so suddenly
i wasnt pissed, i wasnt angry, i just felt confused.
cause i didnt know wad to do and voices surrounded me.
i remembered being shoved by my friends to the canteen or the general office idk
then everything was fine. but i wasnt back to normal
still shuddering in fear :X. erm so ya i couldnt finish my lunch
WASTED my precious bowl of wanton noodle. :'(
but with xq ml wk and ed companion was great (:
there was teasing but luckily i had them wif me. :D
then guitar was long. but i love the song HAHAs.
i had to pay 5bucks wor for using school guitar =.=
nvm money cme and go (:
i learnt my lesson.and thanks for the sms boy i was not sad or angry after that (:
came home onlined.
and decided im going to make things clear.
no more misunderstandings.
o and thks weekiong wor haha the conversation was nice.
LOL he is a BHB guy =.=
but hes an asshole
haha for not telling me anything.
LOL so today may not be a very bad day.
cause my morning was great (:
hahas LOLXD.
it salvage my entire day OK (:
becos i will do it again nxt time HAHAS :)
sounds wrong. ok
bye (:
aww so wordy o.o
boy!im not tearing now(:


Stick Wit You

for the first time i dunno wad to blog LOL O.O
and so i shall keep it short sweet and simple.

SPA today is no good.
and it made my XUE QI AND MEI LAN so unhappy leh
i hate it, bully me wife-s.GRR
count me lucky for today and i believed i would be cursed on physic actual spa
I DUNNO y got a bad feeling :/

o maybe i should just post lyrics
cos i find it meaningful and i love the song. :D
im nt leavin.nvr.
so dun ask me to go.

I don't want to go another day
So I'm telling you exactly
what is on my mind
Seems like everybody is breaking up
Throwing their love away
I know I got a good thing right here
That's why I say (Hey)

Nobody's going to love me better
I'm going to stick with you
Nobody's going to take me higher
I'm going to stick with you
You know how to appreciate me
I'm going to stick with you
My baby
Nobody ever made me feel this way
I'm going to stick with you

I don't want to go another
So I'm telling you exactly
what is on my mind
See the way we ride
In our privated lives
Ain't nobody getting in between
I want you to know that you're the only one for me
And I say

And nowAin't nothing else I can need
And nowI'm singing
'cause you're so, so into me
I got you
We'll be making love endlessly
I'm with youBaby, you're with me


greatest bdae gift (:

well this will be updated everytime i receive something HAHAS (:
firstly hahas HAPPY birthday to ARIEL and HUAN XIAN too (:
both are CHIO BUS (: and my favourires (:
it is my honour to have the same birth date as them :D
awww im 15 already :'( hahas.

MONDAY 27th oct.
today is a public holiday.
LOL XD actually we were supposed to go to jocelyn house to help her in Amath (:
yeap hahas :)so i met hx at bustop
and ml told me she would be late and elaine told hx to go up first.
so we 2 blur blur went up to jocelyn house (:
LOL then suddenly "happy birthday"
hahas it was a great surprise for us
we were STUN (:
And it was really heart warming when i saw a table full of dishes laid out nicely for us.
there was jelly ! pie! desert! COOOKIES! FRIES!
the jelly was really great ! very Q hahas :D
even better then those i made (:
the pie was awesome.
and it was really nice for them to make a cheese-less one for me :D
im so touched (: thanks :D
the desert was sweet.
i made me crave for more more and more :D
fries! LOL kusos to jocelyn mum
it taste so great that i even suspect if it came from Mchdonald LOLXD
The plate of cookies made me feel so fortunate HAHAs.
it was so sweeet of them to even look up the recipes and try making one for us >.<>.<

ml put it on for me HAHAs love her (: and thanks :D

the hairbands are really cute (: 3different colourse red black and white
LOL representing different mood (: HAHAS. (:

in the end :DD
JOCELYN for lending her house and the kitchen
ELAINE for the present and the food :DD!!!
Mei TING for the present and the food (:
POh ZHuANg for the food and present although u were not there but i can feel ur presence :D
ELOUIS for the food and present and i love laughing wif u during YU LE BAI FEN BAI
JOYCE for the food and present :)
XUE QI for the present food and laughing during the entertainment shows (:
MEILAN for the present and food (pie)! and going hme wif ME :DDD

i didnt leave anyone out right ? hahas. im sure everyone had fun :D i love & hx would definitely too (X okay tt's all :D

28th oct (: tues

thanks JOSHUA. i got ur present (:
it is great and must have cost u a BOMB.
and and i owe u one HAHAS (: im feeling so guilty now.
o and i love ur letter (: so sweet :D hahas.
and for u thanks for being such a great didi for the yr
haha a didi that is impossible to find LOLXD (:
29th oct wed
firstly ya gotta thank jeanette she popped me wif a surprise gift (:
LOL i felt urm guilty cos i gave her a card only and she gave me double :D
and thank U (: LOVE YAYAYAYA! u can consider to be a designer ler lor :D hahas
the packaging is FLAWLESS and awesome :D

nxt thanks SMs-es hahas:
lol warning it is going to be like announcing the grammy award (:
joshua sms-ed at 12 (: siyuh thanks (: at 12 bingkhiang,choo yi (:,amy!, hui min,kor (:,new friend, sheryl,weiqing(X, VIVIEN :D, gugu :D, CASS(:, laris,joanne,wee kiong,celeste,rachel(:,richard,caishan :D o and my SISSY, srishti nd CHRISS :D :D
ARIGATO :D hahas
ps xq and kor: LOL hp got problem so nxt time then upload pics OK :D paiseh (:

LOL shun bian blogged bout today
went to watch HSM3 wif MEI LAN. JUNQIANG.CHRIS (:
HAHAHA. i found out cs cinema not bad lor. CHEAP CHEAP also :D
and hsm3 is nt that bad also (: lol the presentation the songs and blah blah blah
HAHA peopl who have the songs SEND ME (: HAHAS :D
thank u (:
and we went to popular
omfg lar hahas.chris like laughing laughing
and ml and jq are great assesment book consultants
they are so sososo pro XD
OK that's all. someone got to read and sleep haha PIG wor (:
and dun rush lar aiyooo.

i saw it ,boy hahas ;D


Lovebug (;

JAM's fans are gg to kill me LOLXD

i found a new hobby.
going onto the internet all day is nothing but blogging,k-ing videos,dl-ing stuffs :X
and of course chatting HAHAS.
o btw RAINIE's 帶我走 mv came out already fresh hot pick (:

school is ARDUOUS(:
but surprisingly i actually miss STUDYING. +_+
o hell (:
but today is indeed exhausting and challenging for a pig like me.

o tml should be great :D
cause im gg to catch HSM3 (:
LOLXD many people are saying that it is nice while others dont agree :D
O i watch it and i will know hahas.

and elaine hahas Oh My girl is a new jap show im embarking on LOLXD
hahas the guy frOM zettai ROCKS (: SHUAI +HOT HAHAS.
O!O!O! :D

seriously turning 15 tonight is urm ok lar. hahas
i still have 3hr 2mins left being 14 LOLXD
okok start thinking wads most memorable yeah 2a (:
LOL mind stuck. but everything that happen in my life is worth remembering
hope my puny brain can still keep everything till i depart hahas XD.

thanks friend!for ur support (:
and i believe tml will be OK yeah.

boy, u r the greatest gift i ever had (:
thanks<3 for the wish and the words (:



HELLOS people :D
back from jocelyn house :D
had a great time :D
LOL i blog about it already but saved as draft :D
i will only show when i want HAhAs :D
so in the mean time tolerate (:

wa it is only 7pm and it look like 9 or 10pm
haha i bet swimming is DEFINETELY cancelled (:
eh no im not happy, my chances of losing fat is definitely reduced OMG :'(
i had a great great afternoon. (:
but thinking of tommorrow
totally sucks. LESSSONS.
o wth who is in the mood of studying. i know JQ definitely HAHAs
im just kiddin.
and then followed by guitar pract =_=
tired wor (: JIAYOUS >.<

out for dinner later wif family.
i have been eating a lot today.
HAHAH it is a good sign means that my appetite is BACK YEAH (:
and and and i wanna watch HSM3 hahas :)
LOLXD okay bye
mb i shall read some bio b4 i sleep at night hahas XD.
i love him (:


Fated To Love You

^ bought this drama yesterday.(:
such an abrupt decision from my mum
my mum finds it cheap so she bought it LOLXD
want it i would lent it to U :) aft i hve completed the show
wanted to rent hotshot and rolling love :] but nvr HAHAHAS
cause hotshot DVD not all out. and rolling love nt vri interested. x.x

Erm nothing much to blog.
tml is holiday aww i have no plans. boring >:[ im going to jocelyn hse{wif da brakers and la0pos :)} for AMATH (: YAY!
i've came to a decision and i hope that i will not regret lol.
stay happy (: & love ya <3>
kusos to my sis she watched HK SHOW for MANY HOURS +_+
my eyes are getting blurry cos im multitasking com and tv HAHAs
i cant w8 for LOB[love or bread] (:



LOL i will be coming back at night.(: i have promised hahas :D
i was watching toradora that's why i switch on the com awhile. lol :D
guitar today was erm ok
but my fingers hurt a lot.
LOL uncle lim want us play loud loud TSK. hahas
too long never practice, my hands gets so rusty.

the best thing was that, me and jeanette went school in the morning
then the bus overshot 1 bustop so we were like cursing at first
HAHAs cause got to walk very far and we were running late.
but we erm sort of explore the park hahas.
then our eyes were brought to the swings LOL
we didnt care if we were late or not
we just hop onto the swings hahas.
i then realise it has been a long time since i swing-ed
LOL i miss childhood =.= hahas.
the cleverest thing was that jeanette even swang her phone out HAHAS.
we found it few metres away from the swing LOL heng ar.
.DIAO (: .

lol during guitar i got my appetite back hahas.
i was feeling so hungry that i felt like fainting.
LOL heng i brought some wang wang in case. X) and had GREEN tea.
i was starving =.=
At least my appetite came back, the past few days was hell
when i could not even feed myself with any food that i crave for. =.=
on the way hme 28 bus was moving like a snail.
blame the traffic.and i was alone so my thoughts went wild and
tears well up unknowingly again.hais.

o im going to get my beauty nap and then do some work LOLXD boRing sia.
nvm sms-es keep me alive (: HAHAS.
and yest went to collect report book till 9+pm hahas
YAY i got to say 500 and tka come back to mama.
lol the result was OK lar. thx edmond for the spoiler HAHAS >:D
so i wasnt as excited.(: still it is gd. HAHAS.
but the school didnt include my name HAR. hahas lol
but result wasnt the main concern yest there was another thing on my mind
LOL haha i tink i am going to suffer from depression soon (:
argh nvm nvm.im just a selfish idiot. haha...
i hope i would come to a decision soon.
but i dunno wad i should do HAHAS.
diao. :'(

okay i going to sleep sOON
goodafternoon (:
wad picture should i post?
Ar smething that joshua sent me (:
artistic photo i must say HAHAs.



^ LOL the above song totally capture my heart HAHAs.
a SAD SAD emo song. but i LOVE it sosososos nice (:

today i was urm sorrryyy cause nvr watch movie wor.
HAHAS. den so bored stuck at home wor.
PAISEH (:all my fault hais. :'( hahas.sorry (:
nvm at night still got go school (:
lol take DISGUSTINg results.
pray hard it will not turn out that badly,nvm joshua will an wei wo HAHAs (:

LOL and i just realise VK guilty starting song-full version ROCKS (:
it is better then the TV version ahaha and i got the SONGS LOL
dun jealous LOLXD. =.=
but where is EPISODE 3??? :(

and i wanna lodge a COMPLAIN.
LOL i cut off my stinking FRINGE and i look like a weird IDOIT
(side tracked: can u blive it im actually blogging+sms-ing +msning PRO sia :D)
MY MUM SAID:aiyo it is nice u look so young
but LOL i dun believe her at all.
worst is the HAIRdresser's attitude
really bad.tt was the first time i showed a REALLY REALLY black face in front of her man.
it made me fucking angry and
the anger did not fade till my mum comforted me(it agitated me even more actually)
bt at least she didnt scold me HAHAs. (:
Omg i cant face people at night man :'(
HOW?!! *faints*
hais. sob :'(

i got a lot of videos to watch bout ft island HAHAs (:
from cr jies :D.LOLXD and TORADORA (:
HAHAS im so busyy bye.bye (:


LOVe or bREAD?

this is the trailer ^(of love and bread)
ARIEL's gonna get back at JOE (: hahas.
today online i got a lot lot of new stuff hahas.
genie's new style is so CHIO(:
rainie new style is HOT (:
LOVE and BREAD rox (:
my HK SHOWS rox (:
{ren jian zheng fa and nu ren wu yi zhuo!}LOVE LOVE LOVE (:
and i dl-ed the instrumental song (: hahas.
i heard something nice too :D
hahas cannot say :X

okay i gotta start erm CHIONGING :D
amath.bio.chem everything (:
YEAH jiayous.
i was actually motivated by mdm lim's erm speech HAHAS.

heard tt wk thumb swollen wor HAHAHAHAhs. get well soon. X)


20th century boys

its holiday (; cause its school promotion day.
currently drumming myself wif a fantastic piece of instumental song :D
its the best i have ever heard. (:
title: the truth that you leave. aww pretty song and i RE-played more the thrice on imeem :D.

o yes yest we went to catch another wanna watch movie (:
20th century boys lalas.
my mum warned me not to throw $ away like that -_-
but theres still a show i have yet watch.
HSM3 (:
and LOL i dont really agree that 20century boys have surpasses deathnote
hahas but its still a great show (:
i love kenji <3

(i wrote manythings but blogger deleted it :( nvm it is just some insignificant stuffs)

rachel: YEAH u took triple science right hahas >. <
weiqing :LOL it is not random. love talking to u too (: MUAKIES a million (: hahas.yeah zero is so HOT >;) did u and sheri catch HYDF? hahahas (: i wanna tag at ur tagbard :'( hahas.

weekiong: o understandhahas. u mean wor. but then now is like a FAIRYTALE story. wif u as the ahem prince. ml-> cute monster :)))) edmond->maths god LOLXD we damn diao SIA.

ml: HAHA he get top in AMATHS and EMATHS then wad u get sia. nonono wrong. HAHA (: STEAL it from HIM! >.<

LOL QUIZ timeeeeee ...
(random order )
1.xue qi
2.mei lan
3. junqiang
11.huan xian
12.poh zhuang

- How did you know 14? -joyclyn
hahas we are from the SAME secondary school in the same class from SEC1 (:

-What would you do if you never meet 1? -xueqi
hahas i would never know whats the feeling of having someone who knows you well enough.
we have telepathy LOLXD.

- What if 9 and 20 date each other? [changshi, siyuh]
eh no hahas they dunno each other i tink hahas :D

- Will 6 and 17 date? [kor,newfriend]
sorry but they are guys not gays. (:

- Describe 3. [junqiang]
Oo hahas he is a GENIUS and cute like boy and hes a great friend of mine (:LOL but please dont cut your hair =.=

- Is 8 attractive? [weiqing]
yesh OF course (: she is so lovable :D.i am attracted to her >.< - Descirbe 7. [joshua didi]
HAHA he is the best didi u ever find. hes cute (: and yeah a supportive friend. LOLXD love talking on phone wif him (:

- Do you know any of 12's family members?
[poh zhuang] hahas im nt very sure but i know she got many older siblings :)))

- What if 18 confess to you? [germaine]
hahas i will say I DO (: LOL i accept LOLXD

- What language does 15 speaks? [peishan]
o she ar hahas all kinds of language that i dun understand HAHAAS. she's a weird gurl but pretty one hahas .

- Who's going out with 9? [chang shi]
dunno.cannot tell?maybe none ?hahas

- How old is 16? [bing khiang]
as old as BURGER KING (: no lar a yr older then me (: 15 LOLXD

- When did you last speak to 13? [mei ting]
yesterday in school (:

- Who's 2 fav singer? [meilan]
JANE right? hahas. and she loves SHOw (;

- Would you ever date 4? [wee kiong]
erm haha let me consider. but hes attached so cannot! HAHAS

- Would you ever date 1? [xue qi]
yesh if she was a guy (:

- Is 19 single? [joanne]
o dunno. haha ask her urself (:

- What's 10 last name? [elaine]
LIM . haha lims are all geniuses unfair hahas :D

- School of 3? [jun qiang]
same of me lar.

- Where does 6 lives? [kor]
haha 5mins walk from N2.i tink so.

- What is your fav thing of 5? [edmond]
eh no way im going to say his singins? hahas he is just great (:

- Have you ever seen 11 naked? [huan xian]
OH hell no.junqiang will whack my ass upside down HAHAS (:

and i shall pick:
ANYONE (: who wanna do the quiz (:
thanks hahs :D


replying TAGS (:

{WARNING: xq and WQ dun scream when u see this!}

hs: ARGHHHHHH zero is so HOT :D =.= diao

today have been a short day - for me.
hahas my sunday is dedicated to metta :D
LOLXD. it was a great day there although pretty exhausting.
but i had enjoyed my sunday as it was spent fruitfully =.= (i guess)
so i guess since there is nothing much to blog
i shall dedicate my post to replying
TAGS on my tagboard hahas :D

okay firstly,

yeah (: great to see u here tagging :D.
i will visit ur blog PROMISE :D
hope it is not on HIATUS (:
no lar, my marks have A LOT OF ROOM for improvement. :D
i love ur maths MARKS lar.u hor like ml and wk and ed leh haahs LOLXD
ya lor SPA is so scary sia. i dun like w8 cannot finish HOW?! LOLXD


AHEM, maths pervert is for u lar.
who ask ur freaking maths get so high
LOLXD im sooo BU SHUANG =.= cAN?!
lol just kidding.bt i still think u fit maths pervert more.
it is more ORIGINal and UNIQUE YEAH >.<

OMG prince of MATH O.O *fainting*
ewwwww.then ml is princess of maths leh. hahas
no offence

HELLO :D nice to see u tag hehehe :)
lol my results only OKOK lar hahas.
urs is best LOLXD.
hahas i have no faith in english lor, i will need ur help HAHAs (:

OKOKOK! set :) next time i call u COME.
hahas.u bored jio me over also :D hahas.

haha thank u (:
lol i will draw till it covers my entire table LOL XD

sorry!:'( lol i know apology nt accepted
sumore TUES got practice! ass me. SORRYY!
argh nvm i coach u lor personally hahas :D

OI ml hahas we not CRAZY ppl
and and and hahas u are the crazy one wif CRAZY maths mark LOL =.=
yeah tml MOVIE HORRRRR (:
lets stop the maths thingy here hahas XD.



i love this cos my face's not there :D

hellos. YOYOYO
finally i came and settle down to BLOG.
bowling yesterday was great :D
because i was feeling great. and my scores PLEASED me.77 pretty nice number :D
mb because i ate 2 dosage of panadols and it took a great effect on my weak immune system.

morning was stupid.
i was so erm crazy (i hate this word but cannot find a better replacement)
grrr.. something was wrong wif me and i actually volunteered to go to tm
to buy a book for my sis ALONE.
no way im gg out alone.its so BORING. =.=
and the weather was disappointing.
freaking HOT.
then i seriously think i am A SUAY shen. (unlucky god)
i visited numerous bookshop and they said

so depress sia. wasted TRIP. and MONEY.and TIME.
nvm afternoon cured my unhappiness.

i did a right choice going ONLINE man.
firstly, i watch Vk2 and toradora3 :D
LOVE IT. KANAME forever X) loveee him :)
secondly, thank
mei lan,kor,bk,new friend :)
thanks for chatting and SONGS and many more. LOVE ya (:
o no i dun wanna do CHINESE.
ewww, and amaths sucks :(
i cannot DO.
and SPA. freak shit. CHEM and PHY.
fail fail fail. D;
school nxt wk is so messy. dunno when gt school sia.
return my HOLIDAYS to me man :'(

my sis and mum is out
leaving me HOME alone.
seriously it is freaking lonely.
i need company LOL
i go find audi. (:

pictures i promised :

o i doodled on my table whenever im free ^
me and my SIS (: her sexy legs ROCKS ^ :D
germaine,rachel,SISSY, me (:^ its kinda unglam
^ LOL (: thast all :D enjoy



lol started this game just an hour ago.
i really SUCK at games hahas.
wadever.it helps to keep my boredom away.

gulping down vegetarian hor fun into my stomach.
yeah my very great mum persuade me to eat it when she bought it for herself.
so great.
then she 'flew' off to her friends house to pei her leaving me behind.
and she even ask me to consult the doctor myself.>:[
cause she had no time to accompany me.
wow my mum's so great.HAHAS.
school was terrible.
hahas cause i was PAINING the entire day.
i realise i could not live off wifout the panadol
that stinking pain in my head just dont go away.
ml even asked me to go home bt i refused.
LOL cos i came to get my results. =.=

and when i thought it was a FRIDAY.
we could go home early to take a deep nap.
i was reminded that i had 2hours of chinese class.wtf.
well i survived the class 1/2 alseep.
the weather was just to good to stay awake. HAHAS.

and then i remembered i had an bowling appointment wif rosy.
lol i wanted to skip it but since it was bowling
im sure my headache would constantly wear off
hahas (:

o ya AMATHS.
10yrseries.ewww ah tan wants us to finish that thing.
in 2 weeks. HAHAS.
and we got to redo it.
o no where do i find time? lol
gtg now hahas :D
or i will be super lateee (:
lets hope theere would be pictures nxt time.:D

o the results i promised:
eng: not sure

o my o my
this results suck so much that it hurts my eye to even take another look at them.
HAIS. there goes my 500 bucks and TKA
wad the fuck man. :(

btw i would try to ask hahas.LOL RANDOMNESS


QUIZ then itazura na kiss ^^

quiz from CAI SHAN :D
-Whats your full name?
eh TAN HAI SHAN. lol u gt a problem wif that? :D
- Do you like your first name?
uh-huh (:
- How long have you liked the person you currently like?
eh for 3mths :) >>> JAM HSIAO :D hahas
- Have you kissed anyone in the last 48 hours?
eh sadly no hahas.
- Did you cry today?
LOL y do i have to cry? theres is no reason for me to cry.
- What are you doing this morning at 8am?
i tink talking to elaine/meilan/xueqi hahas
- What are you doing an hour ago?
watching the tv and using the com hais lifelesss.
- What are you currently doing?
obviously doing the quiz dumbo hahas;)
- Who last texted you a msg?
im nt telling XD.
- Have to told anybody that you love them today?
i tink mei lan or xue qi leh hahas.
- Do you miss anyone now?
YUP my SIS she got to come back to eat dinner wif Me :D
- Any plans for tomorrow?
nah. just another boring day :)
- What was the reason behind the last time you cried?
cos i could nt finish studying GEO hahas :D
- Is there anyone you want to be with now?
hmm not really. eh bt i dun like LONELINESS hahas
- Have you kissed anyone who's name starts with C?
nope bt M have --> my mum LOL =.=
- Name someone who make you smiles today, how?
everyone leh too many to name. all my friends :)
- Name a friend who's name starts with 'Z'
wa i dun have leh. tsk tsk too lil friends liao
- Which of your friend stays closest to you?
eh cass beside my block LOL :)
- Do you prefer to call or to text?
both. text is fast and easy. call wif xq would be lovely hahas ;D
- Was yesterday better than today?
my fever went away hahas
- Can you live a day withour tv and your phone?
NO way. tv is my life. HP is my baby HAHAS it sleeps wif me everynight LOL =.=
- Are you mad about anything now?
no im very CALM diao.
- Do you ever think that relationships really worth it?
no, not really interested in one now hahas.
- Last person you visited in a hospital?
my cousin :'( bt hes alright + handsome now
- When is your last and second last hug?
wif my MUM ;D the day b4 yest night LOL
- What does the last text msg in your inbox says?
KPO freak.
- How do you feel about your life now?
im lovin it. :D
- Do you hate anyone?
no cos it hurts to hate
- Last person you called?
- Who usually sent you the most texts in a mth?
another KPO quest.
- Is your room messy now?
LOL it is nvr neat hehe
- Who will be mad if your room is messy?
my mum.
- Your shortest relationship?
- Who do you look like? Father or mother?
my dad. my small eyes are frm him!
- Tag 10 people to do this survey! Dont be afraid to sabotage them!!
just do the quiz if u wan it i dont force u know HHAHAHA :D

LOL i got nothing much to blog.about
fever subsided cause school made me really HIGH :D
out on MONDAY for a movie :) lalala.
still finding a companion to catch butterfly lovers
lol no one interested HAHAS.
i would be willing to catch that show for hu ge :D
for hu ge only i repeat hahas ;D
enjoyed talking to huan xian and edmond. LOL we were Counting our results
and and and EDMOND highest. im so jealous. hahas.

Argh thats all 1more day to end of disastrous results :X

i will miss itazura na kiss
it badly reminds me of ISWAK and TKA. hais.
and thats all i gotta find ways to improve my ENGLISH.
hahas yesh :D
AIM :get an A1 for english in olvl LOL. dont take my words for real. please


EOY results :/

my results are LAN disastrous.
yeap im only reporting them once i get everything back (:
hahas today in school
my friends damn pro lor.
xq also
wk dun act EMO
jq wa this onee wana slap him hahas(JK!)
ed tsk nothing to say. act shuai ya hahas >.<

they are able to talk bout results and making me feel so stress up till i
tio SPILTTING headache HAHAHA :)
lol it is not their fault hahas XD.
i gotta thank MR PANADOL --> from XUE QI! (:
lol it was bitter bt i bite my way down hahas ;D.
my body felt eh soft afterwards yeah SO MUCH better

lol chang say ur results lar aiyo. so pro still wanna keep to urself haha :D.
i was playing wif kor groword LOLXD my eng really SUCK man HAHAHA :B.
aiyO bt too bad tt game doesnt help to improve in my english.AWW!
lol talked to a new friend on msn HI* LOL =.= hahas

hais hais sstill got 2 days of nightmare to go :D.
bye. :) wheeeeee >:D



LOL no matter how depressed i am now hahas.i still must say EOY is over.(: !

yeap and firstly thanks kor hahas.but ur comforting skills suck hhahas. LOLXD.and i remember i still owe joshua something! yea get it for u ASAP (:

today we went to catch a movie after the exams LOLXD.it is none other but CONNECTED (:. at first i thought it was just a show bout a phone call. i did not catch the english version but the chinese version is great(: it was way better then i had expected hahas (: the plot is a simple and like any kidnapped story but i had enjoyed the thrill throughout the show LOLXD.

the cast are also MY FAVOURITE:barbie,louis,nick etc..hehes.it was so exciting and we were screaming throughout the show hahas (; DIULIAN lor.

lol anw WK stop fighting from me lar i let u win u dun wan LOLXD.so dun steal from me hor. LOL xD.

oh yar on9-ing tml for CHIONGING SHOWS (: hahas.eh btw hmm anyone who wanna watch the above movies:1.20th century boys 2.武俠梁祝butterfly lovers 3.HSM 3(maybe) hahas (:

hahas im going to catch that too (: LOLXD. yeah ml and xq will pei me hor?! hahas LOLXD thats all byebye!>.<>LIN FENG on channel U(: LOLXD



lol ^ the above is a random name.
cause my sister has been re-watching it again (:
hahas X).i pei-ed her to watch the show.
so there goes my revision.
AWw D:
and it is GREAT.really.
the show is hilarious and i love the main actor as always (:
yeah yeah.

my sis bought something great for me ^^ not telling till the day hahas :D
oh btw.
hmm my tagboard may be a little "busy" these days (:
eh i would try to be ignorant to it.
and be a NEUTRAL party.
cause im not supposed to be entangled wif this matter right ? hahas :D

Lol someone teach me how to start studying again?
that is all for now bye. (:
oh ya i will be back so soon that u will not hav time to miss me lol
fav quote in ECLIPSE! >.<



(: hello people,
it has been more then a week or two.
ar har finally after hours of using the com
i finally came to BLOG ;D

okay actually EXAMS EOY AND everything thing that happened last week.
made me upset.
please do not mention subjects like phy or chem or bio in my face
or i just shun u away. imean it.
and im saying it the last time EOY sucks to the Core. fuck it man.

wa shiok hahas XD.
Actually i was truely depresses when i came home.
LOL i was demoralised?depressed?sadded?
hahas but now after
laying my fingers on my "medicine-computer."
wow within an hour i recuperate.
thanks for talking to ppl on msn + my cr buddies blah blah blah.

im SO happy now. (:
those pathetic marks were long forgotten and im SO HIGH

I LOVE KANAME STILL the most hes da best (:
although zero is great bt it just irks me when yukki shuns him(kaname) away :'(
hahas :D

sorry these things are not interesting so ps
i was hoping for a more interestin post but hais sorry peeeps =.=!
and SHE tian liang le rox (:
kay bye :D
chiong for bio and chem ba!
im not thinking anymore (: