
random post.

watching yu le now and
wow huang jing lun (if im nt wrong ) nt bad quite cute aft makeover :]
and ya
JOSHUA the spectrum was great THANK U :Pso gd u are buying BREAKING DAWN! urgh. :D
CHRIS pai seh i didnt know your hp n.o till u sms mi today
and go guitar tml hor!
NAVIN nt interested in your friend lar hahas :)
KOR stop the shortie thing lar D:
oh ya class photos were out ! i suck in every picture hahas but still buying one or two[ unwillingly] hahas.
miss ong cut fringe so cute not like mine.grr! [jeal0us] :D
and OMG tml got guitar.should i say WTH.
it spoil my lovely friday for on9-ing + hw +sleeping.
gtg soon ;) im gg to watch my 7pm show hahaslol.
jocelyn watch ler so lucky!
omg hs eyed on a skin and feels like changing ;)

sorry if its my fault.
u were unhappy .:/

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