
Prelude 12/21 :]

today's guitar is the LONGEST ever.
i sat as if my butt was going to grow as big as the chair lar.
LOL XD bt the ensemble did improve :]
hahas tml still gor practice but we chose BIO LESSONS instead. LOL
5 periods of BIO WOW! o.o

i dont feel like doing an ESSAY.neither i prefer SS STRUCTURE ESSAY lar. :'(
and ya amath test was a rather giveaway.bt nt getting 100%.
just satisfied that my graph isn't wrong ^^
hais gotta find some info about canning later :]

life is boring these days lar,i should be enjoying school hahas :)
ok rather busy handling 5 conversations hahas :D
ok tt's all byebye.
MON no school :)
tues oral :(
wed supreme court :I
thurs: chem stay back
friday: guitar MB ;/
n xq i owe u $ and thx for the MASSAGE(ma sa ji) XD

This is what I brought you this you can keep
This is what I brought you may forget me.
I promise to depart just promise one thing,
Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep.

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