
Lord Of The Rings ; ) the return of the king :D

Yo! on9 super late in the night hahas.

half an hour to 12.

i was watching LORD OF THE RINGS for the first time o.o lol XD.

pretty interesting hahas.

okays narrating about what happened today.


morning bio lessons till 10.30am only =.=

i was expecting 11.30 bt nvm since i was about to doze off .

slack a while before going to guitar.haha same routine.

LoL i got gastric after that.

and i hate it.PAIN PAIN PAIN.

it felt like my stomach was bursting GRR!

bt after lunch it was OK.

so i slept like 2hrs hahas and watch TFKC!!

and blah blah and many work undone =.=!!!

AIYO.hs ar.

ya and im finally updating my facebk account.hahas i dunt know how to use it lar.

i want the song apologise hahas :)~justin timberlake LOL XD.

and BYE BYE! goodnight.hope i can have mch breakfast tml :)

BLOGG hopping in progress...

RANDOM-ED PHOTO wif my sissy :X hahas
gtta wake up early for metta tml .=/(tired)

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