
Love or Bread" & "Extravagant Challenge

ARJOE collarboration :D
yayas! :)

omg i went to see xia0 gui on yu le singing xia0 zhu song and dance!
OMG faints he is seriously hot!
and his dancing improve a lotlor.
i saw evan ye0's one also.[ he cut his hair bt shuai!]
i like they way he sing 幸福猎人 hahas.
bt xia0 gui's better :D
and i feel so dumb lar.
i was watch 娛百 then i saw a claire vid.
i thought she was SINGING innocence in chinese.
bt is 雙截棍 lyrics LOlXD.evan singing roxs leh hahas
OK lol.enuff of id0l craze :D

ok lar people ps negelcting my blog,
cos i go watch JAM at LOLLIPOP ler :D.
hahas chiong-ing my hw.
and and and tml is speech day!
omg my shoes still wif rach
then the shirt not ironed
then my pants wif mummy ;D.
w0w great!
and todayy as usual CHAT like aunties wif ahtan ;D
LOLXD ah tan so cute ERRM *coughs hahas :)
jiay0us u can de!! really :D.

LOL today is a super suay day can.
nt exaggerating~!
firstly i forgot to bring calculat0r DAMN. i had to steal shiu heng one again and again.
PS him lar.
sec0ndly, darn MEILAN reminded mi (sms) to bring CHINESE DICT for c0mpo test.
i sw0re i remembered bt i never stuff it into my bag ! GRRR.
thirdly, i woke up late today and almost hai jeanette late! ARGHH.
sorry jeanette i 0verslept. and slept soundly till 6.30.till my mum call mi up :o.
f0urthly,we gt scolded by a cher. lar for w8-ing for friends. aft recess
they thought we KPO >:(
nvm JERRY pro ! thumbs up!
lastly, lol i saw 2 guy spa-ing LOLXD.
FIGHT!!! %^&*$^&&*
seriusly i found it cool.0.0 they were like pushing here and there LOLXD
seriously so DIU LIAN can. aiy0. people all eyes on them sia.LOL
and i nt KPO lor.i was so hungry i went to bought my LJ (longjohn silver)* pls dun think dirty people. haha and i did nt wanna get into any trouble! :D
special thanks to weeki0ng for the MILO DRINK hahas :D
and MEI LAN for on the 28 bus hahas.
SHE DOES SUPER lame bt lovely things lar hahas. :D

DL-ed many eng songs LOLXD. =.=
i really love to post lyrics bt the PROBLEM IS it doesnt align itself properly
and it is super tr0ublesome to press the enter and spacebar to get everything right !
aiy0 hahas.
oh ya MEI LAN AND EDMOND would make great MC-s hahas :D JIAYOUS.
w0w i just said i didnt wanna blog.

and now im spilling everything 0ut like vomit :D.
and wished guitar luck tml
and kor get ur ans :D
and the 7pm show the s0ng is sang by the main actress so NICE! :]
maybe im nt that suay today after all. :)

and u kn0w wad.
im sorry.though it comes too late.

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