
You're not sorry

recommended : Taylor swift ~You're not sorry
this is the prettiest lyrics in the song. xD
All this time I was wasting hoping you would come around
Ive been giving out chances every time and all you do is let me down
And its taking me this long but baby I figured you out
And you think it will be fine again but not this time around

guitar is really scary today.
toccata is really difficult especially the BASS PART .
it's driving me & xq nuts RIGHT ?!?!?!?!?!?!
Extra guitar lesson also HEAD PAIN argh.
learning so many chords in a day + chords patterns + little bit of PLUCKING [suck at that totally]
but i realise i am loving guitar more and more and more .... 

whoosh. time flies and holidays are ending in weeks time.
i totally did not enjoy enough or you  can say AT ALL
a week at korea.
next week busy.
another week for revision
and bye bye 2008. :(

should i watch toradora? love or bread? vampire knight guilty? 

but before that.
i am embarking on a mission impossible XD
 she gave me something to do that is ULTRA CHALLENGING.
haha but i will try my best LOL
deadline is nearing O.o

i caught a glimpse of it.
woo lala.chi cheng is like SO HANDSOME! (:

O and 3a ppl
there is bio lesson on 15th from 8am

okay, shall reply tags to lengthen my post :D
shan to justafriend: o den thanks.(:
shan to bryan: LOL our eyes are TOTALLY different. hers is BIG n mine is small -.-
shan to xueqi: yup we were like idiots hahas.but today's lessons rocks ;D
shan to siyuh:haha thks :D oo haha i go see the quiz u did! >.<

okayy byebye.
give me a wish and i will fill darling's brain up to the brim hahas XD

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