
korea day 3

i shall continue to post photos!
today i did not attend guitar bbq.
i felt bad :x SORRY! hope they had ULTRA LOADS OF fun! :D

i went to activate a chinese typing thingy
and OMG i cannot stop it! ARGHGHGH help me lol.

yay! hs finally went shopping after a year.
seriously, no lying i realise i hadn't shop for the entire secondary 3. 
lol gosh, what was i doing in secondary 3? studying? WOW
i really admire & empathize meilan.
she was able to tolerate the URGE to buy.
totally  applaud her.
xq and i was like HAPPY getting everything nice.
SHOPPING queen & the feeling just unleashed like that.
uncontrollable and scary.
we even wanted the 2nd Nf shorts omg
hopeless hahahas :D
we ate donuts & had red milk tea! oishi! 

woah great teachers we will be having next year hahas.
stupid chem test is coming out.
i can see the f result already. lol
hs is so DEAD D: aww kill me. hahas.

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