
SCHOOL re-opening

i bet no one is worst then me.haha
i confess i have not finish my HOMEWORK. 
composition and essay are driving me nuts.
okay, at least marcos have yet finish too! :P
but different school leh . D:
die ! die ! die !

today i had an interesting guitar lesson with wifeys , lijin and jorim (:
i went to xueqi house earlier to complete unfinished homework
but to no avail.
i ended up munching up everything in her house +taking photos + talking.
oh my oh my.
our 1 & 1/2 hour lesson is futile.
i learnt a lot. a little to much to absorb >:{
thank you & sorry for inconvenience to xueqi mummy again! (: 
bus home with mei lan :D
THANKS for yours xmas present! (: its PRETTY ! CUTE!
and u made me a great fan of bears! (:

talking to wee kiong on msn
made me miss my pals so much! D:
and even after graduate. what will happen? i don't know.

& thanks VIEN (: for your treasured books.
i will take good care of it and pamper it like mine [:

and the future awaits...jiayous for 2009 EVERYONE!

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