
White horse

urm, these few days have been busy.
very busy.
the next few weeks would be worst
tests are pouring in already, i doubt having a chinese new year celebration.
hais, i still have to find a suitable timing for sectionals.
problems start popping out one by one and i don't think i can face it as positively anymore.
everything is hurting and rushing.
i collected my edusave scholarship already & bought U WEEKLY cause arjoe hit the cover page.
cca orientation was quite successful in terms of recruiting members but hopefully they would stay on. the playing was soft, as expected. thanks for the cheering by guitar juniors (: but everything else just went wrong for me.
it is a good news that i did not have to retake the chinese exam.
Okay, reply tags :

hs to siyuh:
haha of course not a nuisance. i think your maths knowledge would help me more! (:

hs to cass:
o my results Okay. it was a distinction. o korea picture still have not upload to the com LOL XD sorry.

hs to rach:
aiyo dont transfer la (: JIAYOU JIAYOU!

hs to wee kiong:
YUP shun bian ma HAHA :P.

& im not letting anyone put me down.stay strong.

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