

lol i guess it cannot be manipulated.
these days are unpredictable.

a biology retest just popped out in our face today.
guess what it was the entire secondary 3 syllabus last year.
it was miracle that i actually could write something on the paper and not leaving any blank.
all rubbish answers
tomorrow is the dreaded chemistry test day.
i have been hating this day since the holidays.
aiyo. teach me how to complete the entire sec3 syllabus in a night D:<

and friday is SETS test.
still considering if i want to re take physics test (:
the homework are like piling like MOUNTAINS. really high D:
it is only the third week of school and this is how busy life can get.

o yeah and my class is struck with a disease LOL.
more and more people are falling ill each day.
a plague :x
LOL it was 3 to 5 and to 7.
wonder when it will be my turn LOL xD
hahaha :D

boohoo.guitar did not appear on school mag :(
aiyo ke lian aqilah for her tedious write up (:
its Ok.

shall drown myself in a pool of books. eww. :'(

bet u don't care

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