
pictures as promised + BBT 2 jun


hel0s peeps :)
back from guitar. LOLXD the new song isnt even a teeny weeny bit easy for me :/
LOLXD here are the pictures as PROMISED :)
BTW, i saw 棒棒堂2军 ! pretty touching and sad :'( hahas :)
bt bt bt 鲔鱼 AND 小禄 got in!!! hiphiphip YAYA :D
ok wadever under tremendous temptation i carried BREAKING DAWN home yest :)
and im proudly owning it :D.
the book caught me on hook and i slept at 2am last morning :)
bt still on 1/7 of the entire book :D.
lol these days books are actually more captivating then my seducive computer.
wow impressive ;D hahas.
bye, chionging my HW! :D

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