

as i did not want my blog to die so quickly, hahas i decided to post (:
a short short one i promised.
this few days have been nightmare for me.
hmm i dunno how to explain. hahas everything seems to go urm WRONG.
i wanted to blog bout mid-autumn fest as i had a great day wif new gf-s :D.
but since it already past. sort of meaningless to blog bout it too.

haha today was a OK day.
dUNG. i tio GASTRIC for the enitre geo lesson all the way home.
so damn f-ing and my poor friends got to hear my moanings.
LOLXD. my stomach felted like it was inflated wif a big big balloon.
so damn uncomfortable can?! grr.
gonna pull my stomach out one day!

yup i got my urm report slip for eh term 3.
hahas koh weekiong was ultra jealous of my results :)
lol and i tink he is going to vow to beat me in eoy.
argh wadever, as long as i have 500 bucks i dun care :D.

oh then after school.
thanks ml for lending her hp. for some stuffs.
lol it was meant to be secret till tml ;D.
for ****** hahas-(happy guessing)

i was msg-ing joshua.
and he said something damn ridiculous hahahas :)
something bout hotshot.
cannot say here if not everyone will puke . shhh!!!

navin said something damn funny also.
something to do wif 'patty' and 'weak' hahas. :)
ask me and i willl tell u ;D

urm my post ends here . hahas.
bye bye );
see my blog only on friday.
i hve been PIG-ING these days. getting all the sleep i could.
and i hve been an ridiculous asshole. ;'(
hahas bye!
*shut ur mouth up*

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