
hellos :D

hahahs :)
for the entire afternoon i was watching LOVERS IN PARIS :)
at first i rejected watching the show bcos the guy was not my type hahahas...
bt i so called addicted to that korean drama :)
okkay then i received a call from kor.
"can u pls stop sprouting rubbish O.o aiyo!
if not i will have to go around explaining all the misunderstanding hahas :)"
LOL i wonder how am i going to survive guitar prac + bio tml. pray for me :) hahas.
yaya gg to ah gong house wif vien :)
hei girl is on YLBFB if im not wrong :) LOLXD mostly all become so much prettier :D hahas.
and ya i recommand a song
THUNDER -boys like girls :)
nvm lyrics another time.
:) im flying bYE :D
btw i found out a secret n my mouth feels itchy :X

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