

i wanna blog but dunno wad to blog =.=
firstly gotta thank JUN QIANG and HUAN XIAN for aiding me in getting the results for english.
i did not put their names together on purpose
bt it is just pure coincidence that both HELP ME :) hehe.
arigato~!! love ya too .
but i only got about 1/2 response other 1/2 i shall get it on mon :) hehe.
okay.GUITAR was sot of fun today :)
lol me and xq switch to 2nd guitar again.
hahas but it was so much easier for me :D
lol so we chatted for the entire guitar session hahas :)
and jorim is so cute X). enjoyed chatting wif her too!
LOLXD gg to catch my show.
cannot tahan ler :) bye.
Matsumoto Jun<3>
and b4 i end. joshua if u are seeing this haha
tag and say u are fine :)
cos u never come to guitar this week. are u sick? :/

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