


had a tete a tete wif shee shee :)
for 2 and the 1/2 hours LOLXD.
and misses my pushing daises :'(
NVM hahas i watch on9 lor :D.
today had a great day hehe
erm still dunno if i can say :D [ get permission 1st] -ok can say ^^
anw i was studying ya, sort of wif chang :D
lolXD, we went frm tm nlb to airport T3 mch cannnnn?!!!
bt nvm we ate then start working. lol i was dozing off at certain occasion LAR cos of emaths hahas.
LOL nt bad i can work under such conditions haha :)
altough it was rather gan ga :X hahas.
and and and my green tea spill and flood the floor and then it hardens(cannot rub off!) aft like 3 hr.
woow does tt mean that the green tea got a lot of sugar? i dunno hahas :D
then like study till 4+ i didnt even know 0.o LOLXD
lol had fun studying hahas :DDDD
KOR thanks for the song :D SPECIAL A rocks :D hikari <3>
and yest joshua msg-es LOL cannot means cannot :) i will feel damn bad hahas :D
lol gg to swimming yeah:D
bt bt missing my JAM ON CHANNEL U shucks fcuk :(
okay i go record hahahahahahaha yay
Clever me :D
LOLXD BYES.crapper

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