

lol i tried to refrain myself from blogging.
bt to no avail. grr. hahas :D.
lol i did love guitar prac todayy :D
aww we are not performing :'( bt nvm since we are not really prepared.
school rocks today LOLXD
haha mei lan was lovely and hilarious.
i remembered myself laughing like nobody's business.hehe
HAHAHAHAS.i contracted a laughing disease :D
lol xq came sch today n took her oral.
bt she is still sick :/ rest more :)
aw im hungry. :XXX

and im BROKE.i wonder where i can digg out $ for JAM's album.
lol i spent like 9bucks for mon and tues.
omfg and i spent it on food. lar total GLUTTON :(
my thighs are getting fatter each day DAMN.fcuk sia.
argh nvmnvm.

and btw people.
i would prefer if u phone me instead of sms ;D.
i would love to hear ur lovely voices LOLXD
lol everytime when i see my sms-es escalating to 1000.
i start to imagine my mum carrying a butcher knife charging towards mi LOLXD.
so psps. if i dun reply or entertain ur sms-es.
s0rry i tink i just leave my batt die and re-charge only 1 week later.
URGH. unable to sms is like hell :'(
wa kill me.

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