

hs to siyuh: no lar u helped me loads too

hs to RACHEL :) haha yeah camp rock rocks

hs to vien :D hellos haha ya, how are ur prelims

exams are finally O.V.E.R :)
lol this week is filled with filling brain wif loads of information :/
i believe the result will SUCK hahas :D.

since i gt a stm i shall summarise wad happen today:)
well 3a seems to be surrounded by evil aura. hahas.
LOLXD we pissed 2 chers in a day.
futhermore it is teacher's day :'(
well for ss cher.i felt quite sorry .
for chem cher, well she literally broke down.
i felt ultra- guilty for that cos i was part of the noise :(
tears well up in my eyes a lil, sorry mrs lim.!
well after that i tink a "accident" happened in class.
our ke lian the class chair got injured :(.
aiyoo so many unlucky stuff keep happening whoos.

and i got to complain.
hmph where is my september holiday???
im returning to school every single day lar.
nvm nvm :)
bt i got no time to go out :(

Hahas anw congratx kor for his emath :)
and tml school is having cross country :)
lol for me it is walk country! :) hehe.
then headed wif friends to ehub :D
LOLXD damn paiseh not returning to changkat.
i feeel so like i dun yin shui si yuan hahas
Sorry cass + jeanette :)

and for today thanks my peers for making it an enjoyable afternoon :)
so haha u will be enjoying ur ultra cute PHOTOS.
i love it so much LOLXD.

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