

this is for WEI QING ^

i found a kawaai s.a pic drawing it 1 day :) ^

lol random :) ^

hs to SIYUH: yeah JIAYOUS for ct too :D
thanks loads for ur guidance:D
hs to weiqing : yeah IM A S.A fanatic :DD!lol im more in love wif kei :)
bt ryuu + tadashi+ jun +yahiro rawks

okay i decided that maybe i should blog.bt i freakingly hate my self and my beloved com for seducing me :Xhahas :P.

ya i have yet touch a single piece of revision for today.

great hs u are SO DEAD :). and tml my morning is being SNATCHED by my school.


wadeva. thanks joshua a lot for the link and i have all my special a songs :)lala so happy!

sorry kor for the last minute decision :(. next time then help u :D promise!

oh ya gt to ma fan chang tml.hmm paiseh hor.

ok gt hw to chiong :) byes.

i will drum myself in wif the songs i dl-ed whoo lala great satisfaction achieved.

soorry jeanette for being late. we reached the gate at 7.29 :) hahahas :D



im alright :)

stupid spacebar problem ignore it please :)

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