
KBox+walk country :D

okay PROMISE i will post later.
because i got a great day today (walk country is the exception)
hahas :)
yeah so i got to transfer the pics and adjust my feelings a lil'
i love kbox it is the best place in the universe( and e-hub one is so high class )
and felt extremely guilty for nt returning to ckp :'(
aw. geesh. i felt awful. seriously AWFUL.
byes :)

ps nvr blog yest. LOLXD
my sis SNATCHED it >.<
then today i got CHEMISTRY CLASS.
lol i thought of going home to get a great nap
bt bt bt.
gerald phoned me.
" hs u know hor we gt the swimming thing! come to my house now quick!"
lol it was so sudden lar.
i was fatigue bt then still dragged myself there.
lol it was my first experience.
we were supposed to be the person in charge of counting the number of laps.
LOLXD there were 30 /60 /100 LOLXD
at first i couldnt cope.
there were 20 + people in my lane.
and i lost count of the number of laps some people swam.
and was even chided by parents :/
LOL bt thanks tyson (nt sure spelling)help me. he is a pro pro swimmer.
lol then he younger bro dickson like so cute lar hahas. :)
yup on the way hme we witness a RAINBOW :)
so pictures are coming up tml!
there is
the kbox photos!
the rainbow+swimming!
and the dinner tonight wif my beloved cousinS! ;)
LOL so busy
byee gg too watch BBT 二軍正選名單公佈
LOLXD hope wei yu and xiao lu gets in :)



hs to siyuh: no lar u helped me loads too

hs to RACHEL :) haha yeah camp rock rocks

hs to vien :D hellos haha ya, how are ur prelims

exams are finally O.V.E.R :)
lol this week is filled with filling brain wif loads of information :/
i believe the result will SUCK hahas :D.

since i gt a stm i shall summarise wad happen today:)
well 3a seems to be surrounded by evil aura. hahas.
LOLXD we pissed 2 chers in a day.
futhermore it is teacher's day :'(
well for ss cher.i felt quite sorry .
for chem cher, well she literally broke down.
i felt ultra- guilty for that cos i was part of the noise :(
tears well up in my eyes a lil, sorry mrs lim.!
well after that i tink a "accident" happened in class.
our ke lian the class chair got injured :(.
aiyoo so many unlucky stuff keep happening whoos.

and i got to complain.
hmph where is my september holiday???
im returning to school every single day lar.
nvm nvm :)
bt i got no time to go out :(

Hahas anw congratx kor for his emath :)
and tml school is having cross country :)
lol for me it is walk country! :) hehe.
then headed wif friends to ehub :D
LOLXD damn paiseh not returning to changkat.
i feeel so like i dun yin shui si yuan hahas
Sorry cass + jeanette :)

and for today thanks my peers for making it an enjoyable afternoon :)
so haha u will be enjoying ur ultra cute PHOTOS.
i love it so much LOLXD.



this is for WEI QING ^

i found a kawaai s.a pic drawing it 1 day :) ^

lol random :) ^

hs to SIYUH: yeah JIAYOUS for ct too :D
thanks loads for ur guidance:D
hs to weiqing : yeah IM A S.A fanatic :DD!lol im more in love wif kei :)
bt ryuu + tadashi+ jun +yahiro rawks

okay i decided that maybe i should blog.bt i freakingly hate my self and my beloved com for seducing me :Xhahas :P.

ya i have yet touch a single piece of revision for today.

great hs u are SO DEAD :). and tml my morning is being SNATCHED by my school.


wadeva. thanks joshua a lot for the link and i have all my special a songs :)lala so happy!

sorry kor for the last minute decision :(. next time then help u :D promise!

oh ya gt to ma fan chang tml.hmm paiseh hor.

ok gt hw to chiong :) byes.

i will drum myself in wif the songs i dl-ed whoo lala great satisfaction achieved.

soorry jeanette for being late. we reached the gate at 7.29 :) hahahas :D



im alright :)

stupid spacebar problem ignore it please :)



Enviro-Life Sciences Symposium
this is an activity that seriously is a waste of time for people like me.
because i cannot learn and apply and appreciate hahas :)
happy bdae meiting and cassandra! :)
later going to popular to purchase something wif sissy.
hope the cold war wif my mum ends soon :)
hahas LOLXD.
and i miss my com and mycr buddies LOLXD.
promise for a better post aft exam :)
unless i can find something more interesting to blog about :)
i thought i was able to let go.
but the feeling still linger on.
someone tell me how.
the pain seems to overflow.



hs to ♥)0anne: hahas it is This is Me from the movie camprock (: jiayous for CT too :DD

hs to CASS: OKAE call me if u found a good a math cher :) thanks XD hahahs :)

hs to celeste: lol ya that show i heard it was great ;) hahas hot shot also nice (:

happy bdae siyuh ! love ur cake :X :)

bye bye :) taggs replied! [:

had a great day :) yaya PE tml (:



lol apparently
i really abhor exams.
they are meant to kill my entire brain cells. / explode my brain
nvm. :)
swimming was cancelled due to bad bad weather so.
lol im contradicting.
oh wadever ;)
now wif my normal routine
i love the people in special A all of them :)))
oh ya today's table tennis finals :) gonna catch it CHOPCHOP!confirm :)~random O.o
nth to blog so bye :)
guess im mad :)


mugging :D

it is 11.11pm :)

SO is any amath pro out there
struggling to understand this subject.
sorry bt i have no $ to offer hahahs :D.
someone coach me for FOC pretty pls :D
lol. :]

anw yest i was watching camp rock wif rosy :D.
at my house on9 :)
LOLXD i love joe and nick jonas :))
ERM going to catch my itazura na kiss and special A :)
remember i loathe abhor detest AMATHS :D

and most importantly i LOVE shee shee :)
her msg-s cheer me up like hell
she gives me all the comfort i need and ILY :D
seriously wifout her my sec school life would be lifeless :)
u r a GREAT GREAT GREAT part of me :)
and i realise we got telepathy :D

and i learnt that somethings are beyond our control.
so we shouldnt waste time on stuffs that make us annoyed and frustrated.
because it is useless no matter how hard we try
they just nvr fail to see it.
it is not as if we didnt want.
bt we put in effort to understand and to care.
bt u dun seem to realise.
s0 perhaps we should leave things the way like now.
it would be best for u me and everyone.
we will not interfere in your life
neither u would interfere in ours.
bt please cheer up :)



blogger change some of its alignments and ya it is prettier now hahas :D
and kor say blogger isnt user-friendly(in a nice way)
lol maybe is he dunno how to use lar hahas :/ :x
seriously, i was just kidding hahas ;)
ya then THX joshua for SNSD songs :D.
hahas he is in love wif yoona hahahas :) jk also :x
todayy was a normal friday just that we got extra bio lesson.
i am not going to groan about it,
becos i LOVE BIO :D and the lessons.
jus that there is something i dislike bout bio classes.
may be it is the DURATION :D.
i didnt know ihow i spent my afternoon from 12.30 - 4pm
i remembered myself eating :D char siew rice, jelly ice-cream and collon crackers :)
LOL i shared those wif xq :) hahahas :DD.
we are gaining more fats each day :)
after bio went to meet vien and rosy :)
lol went to bedok for some stuffs :)
and we took a taxi there guess the price from tampines to bedok mrt.
i bet ur eyes will pop and drop and roolll onto the ground O.o
it is $11.10 ~seriously it is fcuk. it is almost = to daylight robbery :/
HAHAS. and i m gg to return vien the $ i PROMISE ^^
went to tm shop for vien's stuff and had FUN FUN FUN.
lol and reached home at 8pm XD hahahs :D.
yup tt alls.
i cannot blog more cos my show is calling out for me :)
and i will link no rain... soon :)
and i was chatting wif a pri 6 friend-amy :D.
aww we share the same interest TW DRAMAS and FANS :)
LOLXD hahahas :B
BYE,misses and loves :D

HS = arjoe+ jam LOVEr :]
this statement is so TRUE :)




had a tete a tete wif shee shee :)
for 2 and the 1/2 hours LOLXD.
and misses my pushing daises :'(
NVM hahas i watch on9 lor :D.
today had a great day hehe
erm still dunno if i can say :D [ get permission 1st] -ok can say ^^
anw i was studying ya, sort of wif chang :D
lolXD, we went frm tm nlb to airport T3 mch cannnnn?!!!
bt nvm we ate then start working. lol i was dozing off at certain occasion LAR cos of emaths hahas.
LOL nt bad i can work under such conditions haha :)
altough it was rather gan ga :X hahas.
and and and my green tea spill and flood the floor and then it hardens(cannot rub off!) aft like 3 hr.
woow does tt mean that the green tea got a lot of sugar? i dunno hahas :D
then like study till 4+ i didnt even know 0.o LOLXD
lol had fun studying hahas :DDDD
KOR thanks for the song :D SPECIAL A rocks :D hikari <3>
and yest joshua msg-es LOL cannot means cannot :) i will feel damn bad hahas :D
lol gg to swimming yeah:D
bt bt missing my JAM ON CHANNEL U shucks fcuk :(
okay i go record hahahahahahaha yay
Clever me :D
LOLXD BYES.crapper


money not enough 2:D

HAPPY belated national day :D LOLXD.
yesterday, was supposed to be a great great family gathering at ECP
for BBQ-ing.
ya thanks to the GREAT RAIN. :D
it RUIN the entire great great plan :(
i still recalled myself standing under the rain bbq-ing food to eat man. pathetic :/
my sting ray sotong chicken all bathing in the rain lar :( ~so sad .
but anw i didnt like the pit to much either.
got s00 many people + the place is rather cramp
last time better more peacful and quiet :D
i believe people came to witness the fireworks ba
and my daddy says at marina bay only slight drizzle so unfair!

so PLAN B was to bring all the soak-ed food to rosy house t BBQ.
hahas her hse got oven, baby electric bbq toaster, fryer O.o
almost everything we need for BBQ-ing and it's more cosy :)
i remembered myself eating alot of food :D and they are still swimming happily in my stomach.
and i washed TONS of oily bowls wif vien :D.
nxt time wanna find maid hahas call us LOLXD. JK wait long long .
and finally i sat on the sofa and watched my TKA!!!
argh i miss arjoe likee *&^%$%^&*]
and i watch heroes premire i lOVED IT :D

then someone suggested wanna watch midnight movie or nt?
ok lor.
and we chose MONEY NOT ENOUGH 2 :D.
LOL 11 pple went and the bill was
freakingly exp ~111bucks :D WOW @.@
it wasa great comedy.mostly in hokkien so i had to rely on the subtitles.
and some parts were touching :D.LOLXD.
Worth the watch :)
it started at 12am i tink and ended at 2.30 am LOL my eyes were barely OPENED :D
Boo hoo and i left my HP at rosy's house :'(
MISSING it so much now :D
and tt is how i spent my national day :D.
lovely day...
i wore black skinnies-rosy's love it ;D
hs is nt gg to come on9 often.
few wks to CT.
she gotta chiong ler :D.
tt is wad she says, bt she doesnt do her rev LOLXD
SNSD songs are great :D
love tiffany taeyoon and yoona :DD


spore turning 43 soon :D

im great to announce that i got my bio off my back finally.
phew! great sense of relieve ;D
but the results are definitely disgusting.BUT i DONT CARE :D
todayy was a fast pace wadeva day :]
today went hme chatted wif kor.
lol dun sad lar hahas :X
when i saw breaking dawn book on sihui's hand i SCREAMED :]
when i saw the synopsis on wiki i almost fainted.
BREAKING DAWN will be absolutely GREAT :]

i patiently read the synopsis and awed :DDD


Tada i kindly extracted the entire synopsis :D

Breaking Dawn
In the first chapter of Breaking Dawn, it is revealed that Bella and Edward have told both of her parents about their engagement and both given their blessing, though Charlie is still slightly resistant to the thought of their marriage. Alice is busy making preparations for the wedding, which is only a few days away. Meanwhile, Edward has bought her a super-strength safety car, which she sees as either a sign of compassion and caring or as over-protectiveness and worry about her safety. This car is for temporary use until she is changed into a vampire, when she will not need the protection. During Bella and Edward's honeymoon, Edward agrees to finally make love to Bella. The next morning, he finds that he has left dark blue-purple bruises all over her body. Furious with himself, Edward refuses to ever make love to her again while Bella is still human. Bella is upset, not minding the injuries, and begins suffering from a series of dreams featuring a small child, whom she feels compelled to protect. Bella feels a bump on her belly soon afterwards and she realizes she is pregnant with Edward's child.
She becomes pregnant at an extremely fast rate, and she becomes very sick. She can't keep food down, and is dying. Also, the "halfling" baby inside of her is so strong it has been breaking her ribs by accident. Edward had asked Jacob to try to convince her to kill the baby that was killing her, but Bella couldn't, because she loved it. Sarcastically, Jake thinks of the "creature" inside of her wanting blood. When Edward hears this thought, he then suggests for Bella to drink blood, and she becomes stronger. Edward realizes that he can hear the baby's thoughts, and starts to feel more kindly toward the baby, and not wanting to kill it anymore, especially when he hears that the baby "absolutely adores Bella." Jacob remarks that Edward could never hate anyone who loved Bella, which is why Edward did not hate him.
Bella accidentally causes the hardened placenta surrounding the baby to detach, and Edward, Rosalie, Alice, and Jacob are forced to perform an emergency birthing. Bella's body is nearly destroyed in the process - several ribs are broken, she loses vast amounts of blood, and her spinal cord is snapped- though she still manages to give birth. She names her child Renesmee, a combination of her two mothers' names, Renee and Esme, and Carlie, for Charlie and Carlisle. To Edward's horror, her heart then stops beating. In order to save her, Edward injects her heart with some of his own venom and bites her body in several places, turning Bella into a vampire. Jacob is sure that Bella has died, and goes to find the child and kill it in revenge. However, once he sees the baby, whose eyes are precisely the same shade of brown as Bella's, Jacob imprints on Renesmee.
Book 3 begins with Bella's transformation. She is feeling the fiery pain that comes from the venom in her veins, but the morphine used in the birth has made it impossible for her to move. Later, as the morphine wears off, she is able to move, but refrains from doing so in order to spare Edward from feeling guilty about the pain she is feeling. When she awakes, she feels a warm hand on her, and reacts instinctively. Then, Bella realizes that she has become a vampire, and Edward's touch no longer is cold to her. She demands to see Renesmee, but is not allowed, because the Cullens are worried that, as the baby is part human, Bella will be unable to control her thirst. Edward takes her hunting, to try to alieviate the thirst somewhat. While hunting, Bella crosses a human scent. Bella runs away, fighting to stop herself from becoming a monster. Edward is astounded that Bella was able to resist when, as a "newborn" vampire, she should have been unable to stop herself. It is as a result of this that Bella is allowed to see Renesmee. The child has already matured and grown more than she normally would have. When Bella learns that Jacob has imprinted on her daughter, she is furious with him, trying to attack him. She succeeds only in breaking Seth Clearwater's collarbone and shoulder when he leaps between them.
Later, Bella is with Jacob and Renesmee in the forest when a vampire, Irina, sees her daughter and mistakes her for an immortal child, a heinous crime of the vampire world. Immortal children (children bitten by vampires, unable to grow and mature because of the simplicity of their minds) are forbidden, and considered horrible beings. When Alice learns that the Volturi Coven and the entire guard is coming to destory the Cullens, she flees with Jasper on a secret mission which she doesn't tell anyone. The Cullens look for other vampires to be witnesses, including nomads and other covens, such as the Irish coven and Amazon coven. In the meantime, Kate, a member of Tanya's coven, tries to teach Bella to project her power, so she could protect others from the Volturi's powers. The Cullens and their allies manage to convince the Volturi that Renesmee really is growing (with the help of the werewolves that are actually shape-shifters, Alice's research, and Bella's gift) though Irina pays for her mistake with her death. Edward, Bella, and Renesmee are now free to live their lives forever.


books :D

LOL.not going to blog much ;D.
just want to say :D I LOVE BADMINTON
i wanna share s0mething that i found interesting :D.

it is TWILIGHT again hahas :D.
not interested just shoo OK? hahas XD
do you know why twilight front cover is an apple?

answer :D

The apple on the cover of Twilight represents "forbidden fruit." I used the scripture from Genesis (located just after the table of contents) because I loved the phrase "the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil." Isn't this exactly what Bella ends up with? A working knowledge of what good is, and what evil is. The nice thing about the apple is it has so many symbolic roots. You've got the apple in Snow White, one bite and you're frozen forever in a state of not-quite-death... Then you have Paris and the golden apple in Greek mythology—look how much trouble that started. Apples are quite the versatile fruit. In the end, I love the beautiful simplicity of the picture. To me it says: choice

(quote from stephaniemeyer.com )

i finally understand the meaning and even pondered why the special picture was chosen ;D

twilight back page:
About three things i was absolutely positive.
First, Edward was a vampire.
Second, there was part of him - and I didn't know how potent that part might be - that thirsted for my blood.
And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him."
this might be random but i got a question that made me and meilan racking our brain cells for the entire bus journey to N2.
what do you call the peanut butter spread on the bread?
firstly, u dun call it SAUCE nor PASTE nor BUTTER
then wad do you call it ?
need an ans :)
although i know its DUMB



lol i tried to refrain myself from blogging.
bt to no avail. grr. hahas :D.
lol i did love guitar prac todayy :D
aww we are not performing :'( bt nvm since we are not really prepared.
school rocks today LOLXD
haha mei lan was lovely and hilarious.
i remembered myself laughing like nobody's business.hehe
HAHAHAHAS.i contracted a laughing disease :D
lol xq came sch today n took her oral.
bt she is still sick :/ rest more :)
aw im hungry. :XXX

and im BROKE.i wonder where i can digg out $ for JAM's album.
lol i spent like 9bucks for mon and tues.
omfg and i spent it on food. lar total GLUTTON :(
my thighs are getting fatter each day DAMN.fcuk sia.
argh nvmnvm.

and btw people.
i would prefer if u phone me instead of sms ;D.
i would love to hear ur lovely voices LOLXD
lol everytime when i see my sms-es escalating to 1000.
i start to imagine my mum carrying a butcher knife charging towards mi LOLXD.
so psps. if i dun reply or entertain ur sms-es.
s0rry i tink i just leave my batt die and re-charge only 1 week later.
URGH. unable to sms is like hell :'(
wa kill me.


Someone To Care For

hell0s peeps.
well u will be asking where hs got the time to 0n9 and even blog.
lol she is slacking that is y.
okay i came on9 for the english project.

i felt like a total pig today.
overslept. and woke up at 6.30. o.o
totall miss-ed my xia0 zhu and xia0 gui.and URGH. elva was the special guest!
argh nvm.

and ya finally oral was over.
thumbs down.
hs totally flunk everything.
u should see how i stammer and stumble over w0rds.
how pathetic i couldnt even string a proper sentence together properly. :X
nvm, i dun give it a damn anw.

and xq get well soon.come back to school soon :] missing u loads :D
school suck today :D
aww thinking of flipping through my bio texts makes me feel like PUKING.

erm please dun care this mad woman(hs) who is not in a fantastic mood today.
hahas hence she is uttering rubbish everywhere LOLXD.
she is just not right today :D.
maybe she is just a lil' unhappy :)

Michael Bublé



hi again.
aww i just love to blog :D.
anws, SORRY JOSHUA. i nvr go on MSN.
cos i sleeping later :)
totally exhausted after bio +guitar :'(
anw i wanna thank ml for the BY2 songs :D.
and i saw the mv by ming wei and mei zhen on ml f0ne so COOL :]]]]

im gonna post the "family"ph0to hahas :D.
actually wanna watch- $ not enough 2.
but but but cannot make it in the end due to family matters .
nvm lar i am getting my sis as PERSONAL oral COACH :D.
and i gt a new name for her pei shan = pi sai :D.~ok tt was mean. LOLXD.

anw breaking dawn is out! get ur copy now! :D

why do you have to potray urself as a pitiful and pathetic pers0n?
do u know u look really sympathetic.

why do people change then?
great on a side and dark in an0ther.

im searching for an answer.



i can smell hashbrowns!
my sis is mucnching on it :DD
NOT FROM MAC hahas she grilled it YUMMY.
okay she did ask mi if i want the golden crispy thingy.
BT nah hahas. i refrained :D. LOLXD i have to shed FATS!

now let mi ANNOUNCED something great.
WOW.i felt super relieved. cos i got many HW undone.
LOLXD.i was flying up to the sky hahas.
i wonder mdm lim's reaction when she sees this man :X

LOL my day was spoilt by CHEM test.
please dun mention CHEMISTRY.
oh my god.i just somehow feel DUMB!
bt thanks to SIYUH!!! MONICE!!! SHIUHENG!! hahas :D
i was happy happy happy :D

wow since a week i went on msn :D>
i simply love chatting hahas. thks
XUE QI~ chatting those dirty lil secrets XD
DIDI~ lol 7th mth dun scared! gt dajie! LoLXP
KOR~ lol the rainbow will be connected one day :X i nvr say nithing h0r.
and WUHAN friend :D.~he is so cute!:X :D
JOCEYLN: thks for the phot0s :D
lol i actually had a lil' difficult time communicating as i couldnt type in chinese!
i had been blogging since an hr ago. and nt done now :(

and i gt oral nxt wk. hope i dun get stutters :D.
aiy0 i missed my ITAZURA NA KISS 16 humph.
and btw watched yu le todayy.
who sees JAM HSIAO gai ban album in the popular pls tell me.
or anyone kindly wanna buy it for mi also thks LOLXD>
that album tempt mi so much.
and i may buy it. still in process of CONSIDERATION. :)
when badman dvd comes out im so gg to rent it.hehehe :D
i sound like a spendthrift wh0 throws her money into water like wad sia hahas :D
anw i gt a pic of JAM album help mi keep a look out! arigat0! :D