
SIaN daes..

hi .haha.ok.nvm.ya.lets start.

actually today is very sian ders because all lessons are really boring can..but all the interesting comes at the end.
today is our IPW presentation and i really flunk it man hahas.stuttered all the way throughout.die ler lars.then later after the presentation the bk n edmond kept asking many many questions that are "UNaNSWERaBl3" well you two are going to get it next time!=x
ok then today have boring homework like compo yuckies and i stupid never bring home the eng compo thing to plan and oh ya REFLECTIOn for dnt ...hehe
then today when mi n ml going home we saw chang shi and YI WEI<**hinting ml> and gang on der bus haha so qia0 kans? ok not for me is for u know u know hahas
MEI LAN N YIWEI hahahas.
yuan fen we cannot stop it even if we want and chang shi kept asking mei lan or yi wei to sit together dont know if they sat together after i go...haix wasnt able to see finish the ai qing gu shi hahas.but ml very poor thing lar of all guys she is the onli gurl haixx bt nvm gt yi wei help her so i am very fang xin . i tink if i go one mei lan will kill me and i will die VERY BADLY ..hahas.
if you wan to know mei lan and yiwei story i ask chang shi or ml tomorrow and i will take down the answer and blog it heres! hehe..wait for the sec0nd part of ml n yw story prt 2 tt is all for todaes bies .gt to study..n stupid kor.nvm haha

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