
kumin bac wif a new l00k..no lars

erm hihi blog..actuallierm saw some c0mments on the tagbord lars..n i realiise tt ar..i have to change a bit lor.bt i dun tink i will be able to cahnge my style of writin cos i kanot lar.it is jus the way in mi. i have to agree tt when readin the c0mmentsi realli felt disheartened bt then later found out tt i shood do sumthin to impr0ve on thiis blog instead of feeling sad larhs.haha i wil nt guai the pers0n hu tag here bt thank them..hehe i mus be realli sia0 bt then w0 xiang tong le..stay positive..i respect every c0mment being posted here. hahas.erm yar..tml gg to bugis lar..wif y darlinks as usual.
erm ya bt then realli the ex sia may nt have enough money to buy..kiess then the math realli driving mi nuts.realli diff.cher nvr teeach n we nvr learn so it is like i DUNNO how to do!haiy0.. nvm continue tml..l00king forward for tml =p erm nth much to blog act.

realli scared kum bac cox afraid to face the reality.bt nvm jyjy.post beta post dat everone will lke..hehe.bies.

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