
.IMpossible. (:

hahas :)
firstly i MISS my blog >.<>
i have been tolerating for 4 days :)
and it is really tormenting :D
bt whenever i come online i feel damn guilty.
can someone tell me y? lol cos im not studying . o.o

okaay firstly im not elaborating on what i did this week
cos it is SO not interesting.
hahas :D
BUT today was great seriously
had an amath session wif meilan and ah tan for the afternoon at tm mart mac :)
LOLXD he drove us there in his sis car hahas.
we got so excited and started blabbering and squeling like some idoits hahas :)
we lunched before starting work
and i found out hungry stomachs dun get me anywhere LOLXD.
then the afternoon was filled wif laughter HAHAS ;)
i gotta APOLOGISE sincerely to both of them
bcos i believed they had killed numerous brain cells and it takes a lot of patience to teach an MATH idiot i supposed :D
came home and catched yu le!
i was sleep-watching, but i enjoyed Lara's xia yu tian. a great song!~
then at 7.00pm i was delivering all my amath posessions to xue qi
we phoned for like 3hours hahas :D
XUE QI is SO LOVABLE :) hahas muakies for HER! XD
and i neglected both my gans :'( SORRY!
only my com failed me :'(
okkay im feeling extremely guilty now, wth got into me man.
maybe i shall just bang my head into my fluffy pilllows and wwake up earlier to replace what i had passed today :I

HAPPY BDAE :D.i will make it up wif u after the exams :Dpromised ;D

okaay something very f*
i really want this :蕭敬騰 同名專輯「First Live終極收藏版2CD&2DVD
and they said it is only sold in taiwan wif 10000 copies :(
im sososos sad. he drew something really cute wif his cat >.<
and i cannot even buy it.:/ WAWAWAWAWA.
okay i gt no mood now :'(.
gone wif the wind...


Matsuyama Kenichi

this is a RANDOMED post hahas.
i was searching for pictures then i saw this photo of Matsuyama Kenichi
hahas still as handsome and cute although it looks so different from L.
yest had a great time at swensens. hmm ate A LOT.

lol the dumbest part was my sis brought hw there
and the 6 of us (rosy gerald louis vien me and laris) were snatching to do a p5 circle SUM.
so at first
laris was like " eh pei shan let me do!"he calls out desperately.
then he stares that the 5mark circle quest and made a tsk tsk sound.
then he said" no calculator i dun wan do" hahas
btw laris is secondary 1 this year :D
he throw the quest to LOUIS.
louis look at the quest then hhmmm should be the area of circle - that part and + another part.
he picked up a pencil and start scribbling haha.
then he said aiya how to calculate 21X21X(pie) ar?
then everyone started snatching the paper
and yelling for the correct solution.
in the end..
the paper pass back to my sis UNDONE.
hahas without precious calculator all of us GAVE up.
hais. :'( hahas PRIMARY6 question none can dO! omg. hahas XD
i start to worry a lot for my maths u know hahas :D

ooo btw S.h.E mv came out ler.( the 2nd zhu da ge)
Nice nice nice.
JJ got a new song wif ah sa --> LOLXD it is great seriously :)
replied my CR msges hahas ;D
okks tts all :D



its FRIDAY. urm so wad hahas :D
it is really unbelivable, i chiong-ed many jap animes in a a short afternoon :)
hahas.SPECIAL A rock hahas :)
wq and i caught the final hahas :D
and we are wishing for a second season! O.O hahas.
i chiong 3epi of itazura na kiss :'( it is ending soon too :/
nvm bout my anime fanatic above hahas :D
o later going out to get something
and going to send ah gong to airport for holidays! awww
then swesens later :) yayas!
Hmph sad sia my homework time all deprived.

today went for detention LOLXD
with jeanette , pauline and shuting.
lol i was trying my AMATHS.
then i got STUCK.
and i got a headache all the way and felt like fainting.
haha MAYBE im too hungry LOLXD.
i feel so light~ *__*

hahas ;D
okayes tts all >:]
byes.muakiessss <3

go away, baka.
u make me so disgusted.
wad can i do?



as i did not want my blog to die so quickly, hahas i decided to post (:
a short short one i promised.
this few days have been nightmare for me.
hmm i dunno how to explain. hahas everything seems to go urm WRONG.
i wanted to blog bout mid-autumn fest as i had a great day wif new gf-s :D.
but since it already past. sort of meaningless to blog bout it too.

haha today was a OK day.
dUNG. i tio GASTRIC for the enitre geo lesson all the way home.
so damn f-ing and my poor friends got to hear my moanings.
LOLXD. my stomach felted like it was inflated wif a big big balloon.
so damn uncomfortable can?! grr.
gonna pull my stomach out one day!

yup i got my urm report slip for eh term 3.
hahas koh weekiong was ultra jealous of my results :)
lol and i tink he is going to vow to beat me in eoy.
argh wadever, as long as i have 500 bucks i dun care :D.

oh then after school.
thanks ml for lending her hp. for some stuffs.
lol it was meant to be secret till tml ;D.
for ****** hahas-(happy guessing)

i was msg-ing joshua.
and he said something damn ridiculous hahahas :)
something bout hotshot.
cannot say here if not everyone will puke . shhh!!!

navin said something damn funny also.
something to do wif 'patty' and 'weak' hahas. :)
ask me and i willl tell u ;D

urm my post ends here . hahas.
bye bye );
see my blog only on friday.
i hve been PIG-ING these days. getting all the sleep i could.
and i hve been an ridiculous asshole. ;'(
hahas bye!
*shut ur mouth up*



LOL. i doubt you wanna see O.O
but im still going to put it :D
because i wana IMPROVE!and clinch my $500 for FYE :)
and get my TKA hahas (:
eng-58.2 >:(
chi-62.2 >:'(
e.math-34/40 :/
a.math-36/40 :)
bio-42/50 >:P
chem-34/50 :'(
phy-39/50 :D
ss-9/12 :)
geo-12/18 :)

thats all :).
hmm oh ya yest had fun sms-ing WQ and XQ :)

but so sad now i had to officially say bye to my phone. :(
im nt touching it i SWEAR :P.
so dont bother to sms me ,cause i will not be able to reply.
my SINCERE apologieS! :'(
fcuk lar. the camera function broke down and the MUSIC PLAYER is underfunctioning =.=
btw there is P.E tml HIPHIP YAYA ! *cheers*

i really love sitting at my current place hahas :) *hugs*
koko, momo, heng housefly, wan wan ! :D LOLXD O.o hahas
okay, hmm get me hana yori dango MOVIE pls! i want it alot.a lot. :)
haha finally finishing season1!=.=
aww SA. finishing in 2 epi! @#$%& :(
Opps i forgot bout itazura na kiss :'( argh
okkay bye, hs going to ahem MUG *__*
shes enjoying her school life yeah! diao =.=!!!



i wanna blog but dunno wad to blog =.=
firstly gotta thank JUN QIANG and HUAN XIAN for aiding me in getting the results for english.
i did not put their names together on purpose
bt it is just pure coincidence that both HELP ME :) hehe.
arigato~!! love ya too .
but i only got about 1/2 response other 1/2 i shall get it on mon :) hehe.
okay.GUITAR was sot of fun today :)
lol me and xq switch to 2nd guitar again.
hahas but it was so much easier for me :D
lol so we chatted for the entire guitar session hahas :)
and jorim is so cute X). enjoyed chatting wif her too!
LOLXD gg to catch my show.
cannot tahan ler :) bye.
Matsumoto Jun<3>
and b4 i end. joshua if u are seeing this haha
tag and say u are fine :)
cos u never come to guitar this week. are u sick? :/


Arashi-one love (:

well ^ this song above is recommanded :)
its the starting song of hana yori dango LOLXD.
maybe i will catch the movie on9 (:
and i wanna watch the series too ://
it looks pretty good, hahas.

oh ya and TWILIGHT lovers :)
the movie is coming out on 21/11/08 :) not december!
i was flying =.= when i saw that hahas :D
The Twilight Saga: The Official Guide (im so gonna get this also :)

todayy went back to school again.
for BIO practicals.
well we did 4 woah.
nvm skip that part it only makes me sleepy and bored.

guess wad, i m gonna catch zettai last 3episode now HAH.
my CR buddy made me fell in love wif that show
so i shall end the show today :)

so 3a people who saw please spread to other classmate and send me either on hp(97287676) or hotmail(funkiegal_93@hotmailcom) for the results :) or leave a tag on the tagboard also can
THANKS A MILLION:D she needs it by MONDAY! :)
+ remember to bring template on speech! she wants to go thrugh.


Lee dong Gun

lol Lee Dong Gun
is a guy starring in lovers in paris.
yeah, sort of enjoying that show but not addicted hahas :)

im more fixated to specialA!
lol epsiode 21 is great + i even watched 22 raw!
lol cause kei and hikari are way too cute >.<

and my black eye rings deepen by layers these day.
fret not im not sick or troubled.
bt im mad bout BREAKING DAWN.
it deprived me of my sleep! hahas :)

i simply could nt take my hands out the book O.O

i swore i will buy the ENTIRE TWILIGHT SAGA.bt NOT NOW :)
lol i can see my pocket burning into ashes.=.=
change another erm more COLOURFUL skin. :)
nice? hahas.
hell, days are getting boring :(
and i see no motivation in pushing me for my FYE. hahas
urgh bye i go indulge in games ler :)


hellos :D

hahahs :)
for the entire afternoon i was watching LOVERS IN PARIS :)
at first i rejected watching the show bcos the guy was not my type hahahas...
bt i so called addicted to that korean drama :)
okkay then i received a call from kor.
"can u pls stop sprouting rubbish O.o aiyo!
if not i will have to go around explaining all the misunderstanding hahas :)"
LOL i wonder how am i going to survive guitar prac + bio tml. pray for me :) hahas.
yaya gg to ah gong house wif vien :)
hei girl is on YLBFB if im not wrong :) LOLXD mostly all become so much prettier :D hahas.
and ya i recommand a song
THUNDER -boys like girls :)
nvm lyrics another time.
:) im flying bYE :D
btw i found out a secret n my mouth feels itchy :X


pictures as promised + BBT 2 jun


hel0s peeps :)
back from guitar. LOLXD the new song isnt even a teeny weeny bit easy for me :/
LOLXD here are the pictures as PROMISED :)
BTW, i saw 棒棒堂2军 ! pretty touching and sad :'( hahas :)
bt bt bt 鲔鱼 AND 小禄 got in!!! hiphiphip YAYA :D
ok wadever under tremendous temptation i carried BREAKING DAWN home yest :)
and im proudly owning it :D.
the book caught me on hook and i slept at 2am last morning :)
bt still on 1/7 of the entire book :D.
lol these days books are actually more captivating then my seducive computer.
wow impressive ;D hahas.
bye, chionging my HW! :D