
ye0 peeps. it is cny eve =P

hihi currently bl0gging at my ah ma house.
haha watching 星光2班 currently and it great ..because all of them have their own character and they sing real well.=)
i like all..all very cute hahas.
just n0w went to my ah g0ng house to eat lunch.
hmm wad can i say.delicious mouth watering f00d =0
then played maj0ng there with vien laris and l0uis ...
hmm do i luk tt ah lian hahas every0ne has being calling mi that you kn0w..
i ok lar, maybe i really dress and sound like one..
i gotta change back..
i pr0mise i am cutting my nails.
hahas..today in class was such a waste of time.
i should have p0n school hahas.
no i wouldnt dare of c0urse.
went sch00l and listen and hear..i almost d0zed off and it was b0ring.
i must admit.
later we gt the class exchanged thingy to increase bond between to classes.
well not bad experiences althought never really interact much bt we saw how de class is managed..
it is fun =)
after that. we went up and made a call to ah tan haha it is a cute name by mei lan.
hahas so i a using it..we wished him HAPPY NEW YEAR. haha ..
ding dong sch00l ends .
miss lam came up we took many f0t0s ya..i am gonna keep a memo...
miss miss lam and i lurve her teaching.
actually to say a fair w0rd i really d0 pity our current chinese cher.
i can see that she always wans t0 teach us and get us m0re active and captivated to her lessons.
h0wever we are always restless.
s0 she is very ke lian lor..h0wever..it is unfair if we want to change her to miss lam as miss lam will have to "abandon" her f0rm class and we are very despicable if we really d0 that it is very unfair to others.
s0 my conclusi0ns.
our chinese cher will make her classes more interesting and she tries to amend her flaws ..e.g fang kong.
hahas we will have to accept her as out chinese cher and we have to get 0ver our biased against her also =)
hahas..bt all this takes time..this pr0cess is nt going to be easy.. s0 everyone will still have t0 adapt sl0wly.
JIA yOU.miss lam is the bestchinese cher. mb ours can also..hahas highly impossible..bt we are also at fault so lets try to accept her.
then every0ne will be happy =)
ok i am crapping a lot now....
my true thought and feeling dun scold mi hor !
hmm tt all. this laptop is great nice to type
tt all i g0 watch my xing guang thingy ler.hu gt the s0ng pls send mi thks

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