
it is FRIDAY =P

wa seh =) it is friday ..
dunn0 whether to be happy or sad hahas =P
okies today is a long long day lar
starting of day till 6.00pm =)
starting of day wasnt very nice bc0s of 1 sent that JQ said made mi em0 fer the wh0le chinese lesson ..no reason y..even when i got back my pathetic results for chinese it didnt matter to me also hahas.sumthing made mi s00 depressed that time
and i was pissed now ok ler la=)
then later during pe SLACKING .i cannot play ball games SERIOUSLY not fated ..
my hands cannot touch ball and they cant touch mine =)
hahas sian sian sian ge0 less0n skipped ..during recess xue qi went h0me due to fever awwwwww get well soon ! u pang seh mi fer guitar tml =( i dun tink i can live through the torture lor hahas lol jkjk nvm lar rest well i still have mei lan de hahas...
after that was a torture of 4 hours of SCIENCES .
it never made mi fall asleep =)
suprisingly i ENJOYED physics i must be a pervert hahas =))
CHEM cannot lar those formulas just dun enter my puny brains lor
they dun fit in hahas not my problem also =)
bla blah after school ...wa seh sian
mi and mei lan stayed back till 4 fer the english consultation hahas
during that free peri0d..
knowing that we are SO GUAI .
we took out our ge0 and complete it hahas.
then later we rent LAPTOP frm the MRC to do the e math quiz.
i feel so bad ml gt wr0ngs cause of mi
s0rry =)
anyway hor ya then we wanted to use the com to play lar.
damn ass the utube cannot open friendster also wad the hell.
BLOCKED damn angry bt blogs still can be viewed s0 phew***
then time always flies with computer on our hands ..
lol we have to find ms ong at 3.30pm.
0 chiong and return the laptop
then went to find ms ONG
we SEARCH practically the entire school except fer the toilets
hahas bt to no avail.
we ask navin to cal ms ong and waited quite long lar
bt she turned uo finally at 4pm =)
lol she taught us compre .speaking to her makes mi so inferior lors.
her eng is lke accurate and nice =)
so i tink she is appalled ..teaching us wanna vomit blood sia hahas =)
nvm MS ONG THX we learned sumthing today =)))
hahas then go hme ...
board a super PACKED 28 then lke..
we saw a guy zilian on the bus..
we heard the click soun and the flash light lol i held back my laughter lor.
bt so bad cannot lauugh at him i am a zi lianer myself hahas =)
then ml lar cal mi jin sun
so sick lor this name call so loud sumore
till the bus ppl all can hear hmmmpphh/
later then go hme lor i tink tt all
later gotta teach xq physic .. then give marcos bdae comment..start on the pile of hw and watch my ISWAK or TKA..and a lot lot of thingy hahas i so busy
oh ya EDMOND ALSO ! get well soon =)
v0mit out is better haha

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