
0uch i sprained my back =(

my back HURTSS...i carry guitar s0 heavy then pain till today hais..
very uncomfortable ..i tink my condition relaspse..
last tyme also fall now even worse ..
pray nth will happen ..
anw eating mumi delicious lunch =) great.
although it is vegetarian. i am turning in one s00n .
anw is MIRACULOUSLY i passed my bi0 test =)
13.5 a ok result that satisfiy mi.
bi0 cher s0 sacastic lar...hais.
poor pers0n ..
anw i am FREE today s0 on9. bt no one chat wif mi leh -cos no one on9 sianzz.
recently mei lan de ren qi has been going up ..
her fabulous and famous story wif y* w** has been
pass d0wn to generations and generations hahas.
during guitar yest..
went wif ml xq wk ed jq and calise g0 eat lunch outside sk00l.
then saw a bunch 0f guys then ..
further dun wan explain c0s not very gd to g0ssip lar hahas.
we know can ler.
then CHANG gang came wif another bunch of guys hahas/
den started bout the y* w** thingy lar.
hahas laugh and laugh untill i cannot finish my chicken noodle lor.
haha the scene damn funny de...
then t0day gt sumone ask hu is MEI LAN hahas,
she is s0 popular. hais nvm dun sad.
mi and xq will side wif u de...
we la0 po ma ha0 peng you.. =)
of cox must help u find ur xin fu ---y* w** hahas
jkjk delete that line
i pledged that i will help mei lan if she needs bt under certain circumstances =)
ok mei lan dun say i bad to u hor hahas =)
bye -- i g0 chat and SLACK ler =))

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