
s0mething urge mi t0 blog hahas

hies. bl0g ...have been neglected f0r 4 days i tink hahas.
t0day i bl0g cause i feel like blogging l0l. although nothing much t0 typpe.
sch00l is sian everyday b00ks and results and study =(
i haven get the CT the timetable stupid l0r. no one pass to mi..
bt i am nt that despo to get that piece of paper lar.

it only makes mi more nervous and stress.
dumb exams are cuming again
wth l0r.. piles 0f inf0 are going to be cramp up in my pathetic little brain.
i can swear it is g0nna burst one day haha =)
wed getting back BIO results..i can pr0udly announce that i am gonna fail
anyway chi0nging my ISWAK 2 ep 10 now =)
my favourite sh0w lor..

hahas my oral cuming s00n ...hmmms.
oh ya. watching L movie on da last day of exam =))
ya many ppl going xD
very qi dai l0rs.
L r0cxx da wurlld hahas i sia0.
tml got guitar ...
eeyer i feel that hor i am bLogging things that are s00 boring haha.
so that ends my p0st here =)

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