
1.2.3--n.o of post =)

lol 4 days since i last bl0gged.
hahas miss it .. althought last few days nth much to talk bt i tink today can ba hahas
exams are around the c0rner and i am a gd gurl nvr on9 for reasons ahahs/
although gort on c0m.
munching on WANG WANG biscuit lol no lunch ma.
results fer test are satifying =)
then ya my DUMBO oral is NEXT tue.
omg lor.wadeva just get it over and d0ne wif.
oh ya ..my guitar tickets fer the c0ncert thingy is NOT selling well.
wh0 wanna buy leave a tag okis =)
price 10 bucks
then 4 tickets available =))
...ok then
today luar luar sia0 de.
she sent a lot of ppl to dentention.
ke lian de j0anne was one of the victim.
s0me more stay fer 1 hr sia0.
j0anne only nvr paste one paper only.
hais luar luar having probs recently bt hack care her lar/
hahas .
die ler lor.
hahas =PP/
ni way ya tt all.=)
finding a day to g0 kb0x hahas..
hmmm tink tink tink..
tt all byebye
happy wif wad i am n0w lol.

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