

hi.today was a sian and interesting and fun and tired day.
well the day started very very sian.teacher was not in class further more we had nothing to do.so we talk in class hahas.had a fun time.now watching e zuoj u ep 2.nice hehe. erm now no mood to blog hahas .e zuo ju lurves.
today jq also made ml angry ...ohhh...well jq was very gulity and felt sorry hahas.but then he said something wrong so he has fault but then he was s0rry hahas.
erm stayed back today.ok i cant blog lers no mood at all my heart went to e zuo ju lers. hahas
oh ya
during lunch i was laughing wif ml xq n jq hahas/i dont know why i laugh but i laugh.
ok bies
i was haappy and wanted to blog but now no mood bleh

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