
c0ld war ended

hahas.lame lar.
this c0ld war is mif mumi.
=0 kant believe it man.
yessterday we fought in quarreling using voice lar.
then she did not talk to me today.sadded
hahas later at night then talk it out and it is 0ver ler.
back to normal felt better
hehes. s0rry mum
spat out too much too much vulgarities lar.
that is all.
watching tv and chatting with ml and ed.
they hearing radi0 shuang
haha.then nothing to d0.
haixx really sian hate myself for not blogging something nice hahas.
thi new s0ng korean english nice nice
from zui hou zhi wu.
hahas enj0ys/

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