
~no title~

i lurve this w0rd hahas..
late for dnt in the morning and so did not help in arranging for the exhibition-sorry miss kwek
later cher gave out schedules for guitar during the holis.ee sianx.g00d for ml lor she can skip it=( but poor mi and xq gt to g0 haix.
then it there was a talk.hated it b0ring like nobody business.ml was called for so called interview w0w.i thought she might appear on the tv but nah..another pers0n was chosen.haix i wanted to see her on tv a lot haha but nvm there will be a chance next time hhehe.ml s0 lucky still got nice nice food to eat in lib.p00r others were in class slacking like hell.
we were supposed to design school uni but i dun care hahas.=x
xq and i hear s0ngs .lol b0ring like mad.
then wk played a s0ng that is AHEM* yi nan wang a 4.30 sh0w and a old s0ng it is like wala0 hahas.
but jerry sang with it hahas.it was nice but i was sh0cked hahas.=o
later i did not know how long i slacked then it was twelve.
ready to go home.yays.
packed 0ur bags and for ml then went down to keep the things for miss kwek.tiring pr0cess.
went h0me 28 came fast 38 t00! hehe.then immediately come to blog.
tommorrow well results day lar.
opps argh.. scared w0rried hate it.
class till 9.30 =)
waa.sobs and cries hate it.s0me are going to be different class le.
n0.i lurve 2a waaass.. nvm there is a bigger problem n0w.
take hist0ry or ge0.
shitx.any kind people advice pls.
hahas.thx bies thats all

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