

singing zhe xue jia..nice.
hahas.so free on9.havent told my results hor?.erm nt bad i dont want to say out lar.so paiseh der.hehe.
today woke up earlier to go school because need to help out for the exhibiton thingy.
but still reach school at 7.10 haix.i am just a pig man.big fat PIG.ok tt is not the main point.
in the morning ,when taking the bus, i saw the bus dun have the 38 sign so i ermm is this the correct bus i took? erm people board so mi and jeanette follow lor hahas.then went up thought waa air con bus so SHUANG but then hor.the uncle said.no air con hor.i guess the air con brke down haiy0.suai lor.worst still the door and window all cannot open so stuffy cant breathe properly lor. then when there was a stop the uncle open the door and went out to breathe i heard some weird sound.maybe he was taking a HUGE breathee hahas.kcnt blame him also for driving so long and not enuff fresh air to breathe i almost suffocated.haiy0.then later the lights went out too!i was like maybe the bus will break down als0.luckily NO.hahas.i gt off the bus at N2 and breathe hardly hahas.so quite cute experience hahas.
then reach school we had our shifts for the exhibiton thing lor and i think it is super boring lar.n0t much ppl came to see and there was nothing we could do only stand at the atrium and wait for things to break and fix it.so LAME. during class was worst lor.NOTHING to do.nvm suan le.then aft school we thot suppose to stay back for other shift but hahas No. yays.s0 we went to eat lunch together then aft that ms kwek then say no need to stay back haiy0s.stay back for nothing nvm because i ate french fries and prata sausage hehe.
went home later. wif ml. hehe we talk bout psp.and huan xian hehe.jq must be vri EXCITED .
hahas.huan xian is really xin fu/!hehe lucky gurl i realli admire her lors.hahas.
guess that is all. finished my twilight then borrowing from rachel new moon excited .anticipation.
hahs. listening to FAN FAN album hmm good. nice
since ml wants psp hope she will get it too hahas.
i really scared next yr diff clas..but hehe pray hard then
good luck to everyone.
be fwens foreva
ok i sia0 again hahas.

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