
Dum Dum

Shall tease u all with random photos first (:

This strawberry shortcake which i randomly chance upon at four leaves. I had a craving for it for 2 whole days and since then i have been scouting for strawberry cakes everywhere i go.
i enjoyed this one !! ^^

A restaurant that dear and i patronised. located in Changi city point called eggs and berries. Their pancakes are awesome (: love the choco/maple/strawberry sauce.
well at first from the pictures in the menu i thought that the portion would be minute.
When it was served, woah it filled my stomach to the brim :D

Lunch with pearl & sy at Astons. This one wasn't too good. It was salty and making me nausea too. enough said.

Sy's onion rings and mash potatoes :D

31/12/12 countdown lol the edited version

MJ squid & i *hate my square shaped face*

for SY :D ps i took forever !

4 of us boldly camwhoring outside ALCNS after submission xD too happy

NO smiling shot. TSK PEARL!

SORRY loved the photo too much :> thought it was a beautiful angle

In a crappy state after last day of clinical with one of the twin SY!

Another with sy, forced to be taken in a cui state hahahahahha. my lips super pale o_o

that shee shee refused to take a decent photo. She had to maintain her classy image xD

With the shoppers at giant :) CANT SEE THE TROLLEY EVEN lol.
hate to be holding the cam ;'(

YUMMY SEAWEED CHICKEN. never knew it was so easy to be prepared ! :') can DIY

Kitchen madness

Yan mei whom refuse to let me take her picture of her handling the hash browns TOO BAD :P

And so its 2013.
And there's only one more week before school reopens
And a week before dear leaves for his hometown
And two weeks for my first flashmob :)
And about a month before CACtus happens

Was thinking whether to recab 2012 or not because to me it was a wonderful year.
Many first times and great things had happen
And it was a "different" year for me as i have done things differently (apart from endless studying) and i felt changes within myself and my surroundings 
In summary, thank you to my family, my love, datrololol,predators,sy & pearl, jy&jx for the support and love and tolerance. i will learn to be better this year (:
BUT HAHA i'm lazy so yeah. I'm moving on :D

Frankly speaking i'm so worried when 2013 was coming. i was basking in the glow and happiness from 2012 and i'm afraid that those good karma ends.
Moreover since 2012 had been good year already, it means to say that i have to work even harder for 2013 to make it better. THAT sounds tiring. Its only the first week and i have schedules for dance practices like 3x a week already, also my yoga and dharma lessons are kicking in already o_o Tell me do i have time for friends? family? dear? If school starts needless to say. I will just slowly lose my social circle and communication skills HORRORS.


Caught wreck it ralph and parental guidance.
Whoo loves those movies so (:
Stimulate endorphins, Light hearted, do not need to use too much brains, heartwarming, touching and revive my inner child
Catch it cause good movies are hard to come by
Not the best i must say but good enough to plaster a big wide smile on your face before u leave the theatre :D

Resolutions for 2013 in no specific order cause everything must be fulfilled or try to be fulfilled with my utmost effort!
* pull CAP higher of course
* keep on dancing baby and of course get better
* may all loved ones be healthy, safe and happy
* be sincere, open your heart, less selfish, give love, smile, don't give up, confidence, beauty from within, no anger no hatred, no negative thoughts, try your best .(: (HIGH IMPORTANCE)

here i go again,
this time its jodi picoult's LONE WOLF (:

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